Wednesday, July 21, 2010

White conservatives still defend Andrew Breitbart

Andrew Breitbart posted an edited video of a black woman by the name of Shirley Sherrod. His intent was to make her look like a racist. In the end, he made himself look like a racist fool when it was revealed that the video he posted of her was edited.

Now not surprisingly the conservatives are backing this guy. Go to websites like HotAir, Politico, FreeRepublic, and so on and you will see a major flow of conservatives supporting this guy.

But sadly this incident shows you that whites regardless of political beliefs are likely to betray you if you are black.

Democrats were asking for he resignition and news sites and everyone even blacks (Obama and the NAACP) were condemning her without fact checking the whole incident.

This incident shows you how pathetic newsing has become. Anyone with shit for brains expects this kind of crap from Fox News, but other news sources are much more legit than them and even they fell victim to this. Heck even the NAACP fell victim and they had the whole video on hand (it was one of their events she was speaking at that Breitbart edited).

But, Breitbart should take a considerable amount of blame for his lying and defamation of Sherrod. But the Administration and all news sources that aired Breitbart's version of the video should all hold some blame too. For it was their shoddy fact checking that led to the lie only being spread further.

But I find it sad that the only person that seemed to immediately come to Sherrod's defense was the very white farmer everyone was saying she was being racist to. The white farmer that had to come out and actually say that what Breitbart had posted was a lie.

From what I know, she has been offered a job back at USDA...but she isn't sure if she wants it.

I honestly don't blame her for not taking the job back if she didn't...who wants to work for people who would sell you up the creek without actually getting their facts straight?

If this were a white person we all know USDA would be defending them, as would the whole country. Yet sadly, no one is supporting Sherrod even after the revelation that she was a victim of a racist conservative.

I hope Sherrod sues Breitbart and Fox News and the rest of the news networks. She has a case...I mean, I just read how two white fire fighters won a lawsuit when they felt their character was defamed after they played a cruel joke on a black firefighter. If idiots like those two can win a lawsuit over their own stupid actions, then I would hope someone could win a lawsuit over something that is an actual case such as Sherrod's.

All I know is that when the conservatives don't denounce their just further proves how insane these people are.

Let this be a lesson to people about jumping to conclusions.