Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Why do blacks ignore blacks who really have something to say?

What do both Barack Obama and Bill Cosby have in common?

They were both insulted by the black community for telling the community like it is.

What do I mean?

Neither man pulled an "Al Sharpton" or "Jesse Jackson". You know, where those 2 seem to only show up to get their voice heard when a racist act occurs but really doesn't care all that much about the victim of the racist act though.

Obama was insulted for dare saying that fathers take responsibility. He and I both share in common that our fathers abandoned us. At least he saw his father once though.

Cosby was blasted for saying that ebonics was stupid (and it is) and for the fact that the black community is always up in arms when a black kid commits an illegal act.

When we as black people say the police and courts are racist, we mean that the police go around blaming any black female or male for a crime even if they didn't do it and the courts will give them an extreme sentence unlike with the white counterpart.

But Cosby does have a point...why is it the black community wants to rally together after the fact? Why wait for a kid to become the next criminal before the community wants to take action?

Why not take action before, and try to prevent them from becoming the next criminal?

Why doesn't the black community work together to defuse the gangs that try to take their kids to a life of evil?

You often hear blacks and even whites, make excuses these days about why they don't parent. Of course with whites though, they just feed their kids to fatness and let them play games, watch tv, and get on the internet (which is supposed to be the "babysitter"). Blacks on the other hand may just let their kids go more free.

Remember the neighborhoods are different. White is typically safe and black is typically not.

A great way to start off fixing the problem is getting rid of the horrid rap and hip hop. It does no one good and I am sick of the black race being defined by it. Give it to the whites and move on to the next great black music like stuff from the 1960s.

Start parenting again or wait til marriage to have kids.

In other words the black race needs to assimilate. Become like whites therefore whites cannot criticize blacks without criticizing themselves.

Value education again, and most of all, STOP DRESSING LIKE AND ACTING LIKE A THUG!!!!