Sometimes someone can say something that comes off as racist...usually its when that person conforms to some stereotype.
But that doesn't necessarily make them racist, so to speak. There is a famous video on youtube where this guy (I think he may be black or biracial, i dunno) talks about how to tell someone what they did was racist.
As he said, there is a difference between telling someone they are racist and telling someone what they said or did was racist. Now naturally, the racist will deny it at all costs, will get defensive either way, and ultimately call you the racist for pointing out their racism.
But what makes the racist different from someone who is blindly ignorant?
Well the blindly ignorant are so cultured in their white privilege that sometimes they don't realize how patronizing they can be to minorities and how conforming they actually are to stereotypes. Yet when you tell them what they are saying or doing is wrong or how it will be percieved and they listen and try not to do that again...that is what makes them different from the racist.
A racist will keep defending their actions without listening to your rationale. An ignorant person is more apt to listening to what you have to say. They may not understand why its wrong and may not care deep down that its wrong and may even think in their own mind that you are making an issue out of nothing...but if they at least stop what they are saying or doing, you have made it one step further than you ever would have with a racist.
What it basically comes down to is respect. You address the blindly ignorant, they are more likely to respect your wishes to stop what they are saying or doing. Only the racist would continue on, showing not only their racism, but their penchant for being disrespectful.
I remember on an episode of ER, Ross was assuming this black man was a cocaine druggie and wouldn't let him have his daughter. Conni (the black nurse) had to set the record straight. She told him she didn't see Ross as a racist, but what he was doing was. So Ross made things right, and turned out the dad wasn't a druggie but the daughter was...and as it turned out, what that family was dealing with was the same kind of things any ordinary family would be dealing with that would result in a rebellious teen doing drugs. Of course there have been other episodes with issues of race popping up where a white person jumped to conclusions only to be proven wrong (Green and Archie Morris, and this is not including all the episodes of racist cops harassing the black doctors).
In the end, the blindly ignorant still have a little bit of a chance of being educated...but the less we educate the more likely the will learn to become a racist.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
The difference between a racist and someone who is blindly ignorant
Posted by myperspective08 at 7:31 PM 0 comments
White conservatives still defend Andrew Breitbart
Andrew Breitbart posted an edited video of a black woman by the name of Shirley Sherrod. His intent was to make her look like a racist. In the end, he made himself look like a racist fool when it was revealed that the video he posted of her was edited.
Now not surprisingly the conservatives are backing this guy. Go to websites like HotAir, Politico, FreeRepublic, and so on and you will see a major flow of conservatives supporting this guy.
But sadly this incident shows you that whites regardless of political beliefs are likely to betray you if you are black.
Democrats were asking for he resignition and news sites and everyone even blacks (Obama and the NAACP) were condemning her without fact checking the whole incident.
This incident shows you how pathetic newsing has become. Anyone with shit for brains expects this kind of crap from Fox News, but other news sources are much more legit than them and even they fell victim to this. Heck even the NAACP fell victim and they had the whole video on hand (it was one of their events she was speaking at that Breitbart edited).
But, Breitbart should take a considerable amount of blame for his lying and defamation of Sherrod. But the Administration and all news sources that aired Breitbart's version of the video should all hold some blame too. For it was their shoddy fact checking that led to the lie only being spread further.
But I find it sad that the only person that seemed to immediately come to Sherrod's defense was the very white farmer everyone was saying she was being racist to. The white farmer that had to come out and actually say that what Breitbart had posted was a lie.
From what I know, she has been offered a job back at USDA...but she isn't sure if she wants it.
I honestly don't blame her for not taking the job back if she didn't...who wants to work for people who would sell you up the creek without actually getting their facts straight?
If this were a white person we all know USDA would be defending them, as would the whole country. Yet sadly, no one is supporting Sherrod even after the revelation that she was a victim of a racist conservative.
I hope Sherrod sues Breitbart and Fox News and the rest of the news networks. She has a case...I mean, I just read how two white fire fighters won a lawsuit when they felt their character was defamed after they played a cruel joke on a black firefighter. If idiots like those two can win a lawsuit over their own stupid actions, then I would hope someone could win a lawsuit over something that is an actual case such as Sherrod's.
All I know is that when the conservatives don't denounce their just further proves how insane these people are.
Let this be a lesson to people about jumping to conclusions.
Posted by myperspective08 at 6:53 PM 0 comments
Bill Cosby does have a point...
A couple of years ago Bill Cosby came under fire in the black community for a speech he gave criticizing the current state of "black culture", specifically the youth and their gangsta image.
Some people criticized what Cosby said saying that he wasn't figuring in the social aspects and that he was speaking from the point of view of an elitist.
I have to say that both sides are right.
I am strongly against the gangsta culture. I hate rap, I hate the dress styles, and I despise ebonics.
I also don't like the gangsta view of education either.
Black peoples insistence on not trying to be like white people is exactly what makes white people hate us even more...our race is giving them more ammo to make excuses to justify their racism.
But I do agree that you can't completely ignore social aspects. I mean black people can be the exact mirror image of white people and still suffer racism from businesses and cops and etc.
Yet, at the same time, we don't need to be encouraging the gangsta lifestyle any more than we have been.
I mean the way things have been have obviously done nothing for us.
I guess the thing is is that black culture seemed to be more honest and better during the 1950s...which is sad to say considering the time period.
Posted by myperspective08 at 4:04 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 28, 2010
Do I still care about my biracial identity??
At this point...I truly don't.
Yes I am biracial. And I will correct someone when need be...but, I just don't care as much.
I noticed I turned this blog more into my advocacy for blacks and less about being biracial.
I guess its because on one level there just isn't much to put about being biracial and truth be really isn't a big deal.
I realized its not my identity. Its part of who I am but its just not something that makes me different.
In the end, to society I will be black. So why bother parading around some stupid identity that honestly means nothing to anyone....not even to the person vocalizing it?
There is no united front about the issue and I certainly don't care about it. I can tell a person I only half black but at the end of the day I am 100% black to them and every stereotype they have for a black person is labelled on me.
So yeah, forget biracial identity. I don't care anymore.
Posted by myperspective08 at 5:04 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 18, 2010
Hilmer von Campe
Hilmer von Campe was a Hitler Youth. He wrote a book basically calling Obama the next hitler. It is obvious he hasn't learn from his hitler days since he supports the Republican Party which is the closest thing to Hitler, right down to the racism.
Guys like him are nutso. Why American allowed any Nazi Germany Germans into America is beyond me.
Hitler supporters, such as himself, should be banned from America.
Not much else to say about the racist extremist creepo.
Posted by myperspective08 at 10:05 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
To all whites, blacks look the same
When police officers arrest a black person for some crime committed, the police officer almost never makes sure they are arresting the right person. As far as they are concerned, the suspect is black, and the man in their custody is black and to them that is a job well done.
We know and they know that the courts will view it the exact same way. Its not a matter of making sure you are getting the actual criminal, its a matter of putting blacks in jail.
To a white person, every single black looks alike. We have no varying hair colors. No varying eye colors. Yet oddly enough, white people could still confuse a light skinned black person and a dark skinned black person.
I find it ironic that whites are so busy just wanting to get any black person behind bars that they are not doing anyone any favors by putting the wrong black perosn behind bars. I mean, if the criminal is still loose, then that means more crimes to be committed are still ahead. Yet white people don't care. They just don't care.
When you are black, you are not allowed to have any individuality. White people would be all in a tiff if you were to treat them all the same way because of the actions of one white. Yet white people see no wrong in treating all black people as if we are all the same way.
I hate white people. I don't want to date them nor befriend them.
Posted by myperspective08 at 5:02 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Obama's presidency = a new kind of racism
We have basically gone back into Jim Crow racism. Whites do not flinch at the idea of blacks suffering from their racism. Whites defend racism every chance they get. But what makes this racism different than Jim Crow is the fact that whites make themselves out to be victims while also being the perp.
Obama's presidency did bring out the racism in many. White supremacists had predicted it years before. They wanted a black man to win the presidency because they knew white people would start behaving like they did during Jim Crow. And they were right. They were absolutely correct.
I truly do believe we black people will suffer the same fate as the Jews did only worse.
White people are evil. They live for these kinds of things. They are predisposed to destruction and murder. Just look at history and all the horrible and terrible things white people have done.
A race war is going to happen...its just a question of when. I don't trust white people one bit.
Black people need to wake up and see the truth. White people are dangerous and cannot be trusted. They are Satan's people and do Satan's bidding.
Posted by myperspective08 at 2:07 AM 0 comments
What is more disturbing than a racist incident?
What can be more disturbing than a racist incident? How about a public reaction supporting said racist incident.
A month or so ago, a racist Harvard Law student by the name of Stephanie Grace sent an email out to her friends saying that black people were dumb. When I saw a picture of what the racist looked like...she looked like a dumb blonde.
Its scary that this girl will become a lawyer. Innocent people will be going to jail because of her.
But what she said wasn't nearly as disturbing as the many students that seemed to back her racist ideology.
One would think college students were educated...but these people prove that Redneck racism knows no socio-economic level, education, or age.
I remember when a racist incident happened at a college in my state...more students rallied around in support of the white racists and acting as if white people were the victim when it was white people committing the racist act.
Its more disturbing to see public support for a racist person and a racist act than the act itself because it just shows you how many racists there really are.
No black person in their right mind would trust a white person. I certainly don't.
Posted by myperspective08 at 2:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
The most awesome race related scene in the tv show ER
I was watching a season 7 episode online of ER where Benton is forced into running the ER because Romano wants to be an ass, Weaver is on her off day, and Greene is busy with a patient in an emergency helicopter.
Chaos ensues and eventually he calls in Weaver because things get out of control. Towards the end of the episode he goes into a black lady's room where she has been waiting for 3 hours. She seems like a kind old lady. She asks him if he is an intern and he replies that he is a physician. She replies with "your mother must be proud". As he is about to start asking her exactly what is wrong, she interrupts and in that old sweet lady voice she says she prefers a white doctor. Claiming she trusts them more cause she always had them.
Benton you can tell is very shocked, with him being a black man and this woman being black herself.
But his reply is the most awesomest and cool collected response I have ever seen on ER when pertaining to race issues.
His reply is "Sure, you can have a white will just have to wait another 3 hours".
Her face was surprised by that and I couldn't help but laugh and say "take that bitch!"
I hate it when old people use that "kind voice" to be manipulative, hateful, mean, condenscending and other wrongful behaviors.
But I like how instead of telling her that she is either going to have to put up with him or leave, he just calmly responds and gets his revenge by simply saying she will have to wait 3 more hours.
Of course this moment is short lived as when he leaves for his shift is over and meets up with Cleo, she gives him a hard time over the fact that he is using her as a sympathetic voice over the whole Romano problem that he has been having the last year or so. She stands up and leaves him angry that he never tries to be a sympathetic ear and voice for her problems.
On another note and completely off topic comment, I was kinda angry how Carter got blamed by a girl for telling her she was HIV postive. You see, the story goes like this: grandma comes in with her grandson. He doesn't know he is HIV positive, and grannie doesn't know he has been sexually active. She had been keeping the grandson's HIV positive status a secret from him. When Carter tells him the truth, he brings in his girlfriend, who turns out to be HIV positive as a result of their having sex. The two fight and leave. Later she is back because he got hit by a car while they were fighting. The girlfriend blames Carter for telling her she was HIV positive. But if its anyone's fault its the grandma for never telling the boy in the first place. Had he known, he never would have had sex with his girlfriend.
Posted by myperspective08 at 2:44 AM 0 comments
Sometimes you forget...
I remember watching some episodes of Season 15 of ER online and seeing that they replaced a black guy (Mekhi Pfifer) with a black woman (Angela Bassett). The show almost always seemed to replace a departing black person with another. When Benton left, Pratt came along (in the same season). In fact season 8 and 9 were peculiar in that 2 young black men were introduced (it seems like as every older character departed they almost were always replaced by younger characters). And then both those young black men (Pratt and Gallant) left, at different seasons. Pratt leaving in the first episode of the last season and being replaced by a black woman.
When I discovered they finally put a black woman as a doctor on the show, I thought to myself...FINALLY! But then I was like "why did they have to wait til the last season to do that?"
And then I decided to watch an earlier episode from the better years having not watched ER in over a year or two since I hadn't had the time. It was then I realized just how much I had totally forgot about two actresses: Gloria Reuben, who played Jeanie Boulet and Michael Michele (I am never going to be able to get past her name without flinching) who played Cleo Finch.
At different times during the first 8 seasons these two woman were the resident black female doctors and both were at different times in love with Peter Benton. Of course Michael Michele's character ends up marrying Benton.
Both Gloria and Michael Michele are biracial in real life. Which actually gives me a bigger connection to them than Bassett.
But I still see them as black too (while also being biracial). But its interesting how quickly you forget. I can't remember if Cleo ever had any daunting story lines like Jeanie and Cate Banfield (Bassett) did.
Posted by myperspective08 at 12:31 AM 0 comments
The Difference between Wiggers and whites born into gangsta/ghetto culture
Ghetto/Gangsta culture is not the black culture itself. It is a distinctive subculture of poor blacks. It is not a good culture and often tends to over shadow the real culture of black people (which is the polar opposite of the gangsta culture). Often, good black people who are anything but gangsta or ghetto (you can live in the ghettoes and not be ghetto just so you know) are dehumanized and stripped of their individuality. How many times have we all dealt with the racist white person that assumes we must be ghetto or gangsta for no other reason than stereotypes?
Anyways, I remember back in middle school when these white kids called this white boy a "Wigger". The teacher was like "what is that?" The kids said "a white kid that thinks he is black". It was insulting to black people by saying all blacks act a certain way that the gangsta subculture is the actual culture of black people. But at the same time, it was also a way to highlight the fact that no self respecting white or black person would be friends with a wigger.
A wigger is someone who is usually middle class and is surrounded by whites. He is either fascinated by rebelliousness or fascinated by what he thinks is a culture of an entirely different race. He basically stereotypes the black race as being ghetto and gangsta and behaves as such as he wants to be like them. As a result, whites think he is a loser and is annoying, and blacks don't like him because of his blantantly racist stereotypical attitude.
But are all white people like that, wiggers? Actually no. How can you tell if a white person is brought up in that subculture or is just a wannabe? It all hinges on friends and associations.
A white person brought up in that type of subculture usually has black friends and a tight in with them. He is usually given the "pass" on many things. The wigger on the other hand is a friend to no one and is just a walking talking offense that people wish would shut up and disappear.
Posted by myperspective08 at 12:16 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 21, 2010
Do black men want black women to be single???
Most black women who date interracially probably already know of this hypocrisy. You know, where black men moan and groan about black women dating white men while he himself is in it with a white chick.
I noticed there are 2 main types of black men who usually get their undies in a bunch over black women in love with non-black men.
1. type one is what I mentioned above. The hypocrite.
2. type two is the gangsta aka the black equivalent to a redneck.
In my opinion, I am all for interracial relationships but only if they are grounded in reality. I get sickened when I hear the white girl or white guy proclaim the line (or damn near similar to it) "our love is all that matters" and I can't help but shake my head when I hear it from a black perosn who should know better.
Being in love isn't the problem. Love isn't strong enough to deal with all the problems you will encounter. Lines like "why is this crap happening in 2010" is not going to change the fact that racists still exist and still cause problems.
There is a reason many interracial relationships fail. Its because neither person really looked at everything realistically and thus were no prepared for the racism. Such as when the black person would need to vent about the racism they deal with. Or when the child is teased. Or when both sides grumble about being race traitors and what not.
But back to the title of the post. Statisically, black women are less likely to get married these days. Mostly its because black women do not want to settle for gangstas, and white men rarely date black women. And black men, those worthy enough often date white women.
So in the very rare chance a black woman find a guy, who just so happens to be non-black, why the fuss black men? You don't own her. You haven't been there helping her. Whenever people talk about police brutality, all of you fail to mention all the black women beaten or killed at the hands of the gestapo.
All you black men do is just insult black women and stereotype them.
If you aren't going to have class, then don't complain when she passes you over.
Posted by myperspective08 at 4:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Racism is white peoples' identity
Lets face it, whites want to keep racism alive not just because they benefit from it financially but because its their identity.
These people consider it racist to have be considered equal to everyone.
They consider it racist to teach about other races' history and contributions.
White people don't know how to not be racist. Its their identity.
If you look at comments pertaining to race, it is very clear a good majority still haven't gotten out of Jim Crow and still support racism. They will do anything possible to excuse and justify their racism. They will do anything possible to tell a black person what they aren't dealing with is racism.
God forbid they would have to change for the better by getting rid of their racism.
White people can't be helped....there is no hope for them.
Posted by myperspective08 at 8:10 AM 0 comments
Ew Eddie, why???
Out of what feels like pure torture, my mom made me watch The Young and the Restless a few days ago...and I saw the dude from Family Matters on there.
I mean, I don't care for Family Matters, and I don't care for the character Eddie (I don't remember the actor's name) but I can't believe he went from sitcom to a lame ass soap.
Whats worse is that he apparently replaced this really hot dude who now has a role on Criminal Minds.
What I find funny is that it was like a Vivien Banks color reversal. In the case of The Young and the Restless, it went from a light skinned character to a dark skinned. Same character though.
I imagine it was because there were too many light skinned blacks on the show probably...cause the scene I saw him in had this other dude and this young dude both light skinned...
But why any self-respecting person would want to be on a soap opera is beyond me. Hopefully within 5 years soaps will be history.
Posted by myperspective08 at 5:45 AM 0 comments
Jodie Landon...I know all too well.
I love the show Daria. It just came out on DVD a little over a week ago. I finally own the show (they don't air it on tv at all).
I can relate to Daria in the sense that I am misanthropic, cynical, and have low expectations for just about everyone. I am also realistic just like Daria.
But there is another character I strongly relate to...Jodie Landon.
She is one of the few black students at the school. One thing I like about her is that she isn't the stereotype. Her black boyfriend is like the only smart guy on the football team and like the rationality to the irrationality that is dumb jock Kevin.
Jodie is smart, an over achiever, and a go-getter. She is also a people pleaser. In one episode I just watched called "Gifted" she and Daria talk about their "process". Jodie explains that at home she is just Jodie but because of the lack of diversity in Lawndale she feels she has been burdened with the responsibility of being the representative for black people.
This is basically the explanation as to why she is a perfectionist. She wants people to have a positive image of blacks. We all know how doing the slightest wrong thing can make a white person see all black people in a bad light. I have been the representative at times too and its stressful.
Jodie's character also highlights the annoyance of being a token and how it is racist itself. She and Mack are always chosen as homecoming king and queen. They know its because the town wants to "pride" itself on diversity even though it sorely lacks diversity.
That scene also takes note in how Jodie (and Mack) also do what many of us blacks do sometimes...and that is shirk the principles for the gains. In that case, it would look good on their college applications.
There is another example of this in Partner Complaints where a racist banker refuses to Jodie a loan or to even have her dad cosign but will let Daria. But when he finds out who Jodie's dad is, he starts kissing up. So on principle she leaves. But at the next banker she immediately name drops. This angers Daria, a strong principles person.
It was understandable as to why Jodie name dropped with the second banker. She didn't want to reward the first one, and at the same time, the race fight gets tiresome. She wanted to prevent the possibility of a repeat from happening.
Also, her method ensured they got their assignment done, which was to secure a loan.
Basically, Jodie is about dropping her principles for the greater good of winning or succeeding. I can relate to that myself. You got people like Daria who prefer the right thing over smart thing and people like Jodie who prefer the smart thing over the right thing but who hopes there is a case where they are both.
There was another episode, Mall of the Millenium, where she criticized the executives for using her and the other students as "research" and when the executives decided to give everyone a $20 coupon to be quiet, she shirked away her principles, in fact everyone but Daria did.
Posted by myperspective08 at 2:05 AM 0 comments
Speaking of the "No Snitchin" campaign...
So knowing my views on the police...why am I against the "No Snitchin" campaign you ask?
I probably did a post on this already but never hurts to repeat one's self.
I am against it because its very premise is to basically refrain from giving valuable information on the baddies so they can be arrested.
As racist and corruptive as the police are, at the same time I don't want criminals on the loose because of some point that obviously isn't getting across.
No snitchin is only hurting us more. I mean lets face it, the police don't care about us. They just care only when whites become the victim.
But whats sad is when people do tell the police and the police ignore it, such cases like Anthony Sowell.
Those kind of incidents only cause more people to support the "no snitchin" campaign...their rationale being: why should we tell you considering when we do you don't listen anyways!
I undestand and support the message blacks have to say about blacks and the system(police, courts)...but I don't support the methods about trying to get the message across. They aren't getting the message and our own people are suffering from "no snitchin".
Posted by myperspective08 at 1:54 AM 0 comments
The Gestapo strike again!
RIP Aiyana Jones.
As usual white people are hailing the murderous cop as a hero for once again killing an innocent black.
So what was this little girl's crime? She was living in an apartment where the real culprit lived just above.
Because the police decided not to get their information together and actually think their strategy through, an innocent child was murdered by the police.
Its as if criminals aren't the only people we have to worry about being on the loose killing innocent seems the police are doing a good job of that themselves.
But the public want to blame it on the family and have been justifying her death, excusing the murderous cops and basically toss this girl's life into the trashcan as if it meant nothing.
I hate how the police have a license to kill whomever they want whenever they want. They don't have to ask questions, they don't have to have all their facts together. You don't even have to be a long as you are black, you are allowed to be killed for just being black.
One idiot who called the police "heroes" said that its the family's fault for not knowing their neighbors. Need I remind people of Dymond Millburn? The little girl who was beaten by police, and it turned out the police (who were dressed undercover) had the wrong address. Not to mention their suspects were does on mix up the colors white and black?
In the end, for blacks it doesn't matter where you doesn't matter the color or age or gender of the suspects...just being black is "suspicion" enough for them to arrest you, beat you, or worse, murder you.
The police department where I live is currently in hot water for murdering a white guy...the fact that they rough-handled a white guy makes you wonder what they would do to a black person.
Its become tradition among blacks to tell of stories of dealing with racist cops. I remember when I had to deal with an officer once and as I left, he decided to say "you can always come to us if you need it" I rolled my eyes, gave a snort and turned away only for him to decide to talk down to me for it. Even then at 16 I knew one couldn't trust the police. I figured out even though I was raised in a white family.
I mean, I am against the "no snitchn" campaign and all and do believe one should go to the police if something happened to you mostly for legalistic reasons even though there does seem to be a consensus among many that the police never seem to show up until after the crime has been committed.
I know some want to argue that there are "good cops". My question is why don't they ever take a stand and condemn the bad cops rather than excuse them or justify their actions? In fact, the ones that do that hardly seem like good cops.
Posted by myperspective08 at 1:44 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Arizona's law: The start of the Holocaust???
Its hard to decide on that one honestly. I have always said America is a candidate for being the next location for the holocaust. Americans hate its' minority population with a fiery passion.
On one hand, one side can argue that ID carrying to prove citizenship is similar to what the Jews had to go through.
But on another hand, one can argue, if they don't start working on the immigration problem and find a realistic and viable solution now, then it really will become a Holocaust because when Americans start really suffering from the lack of immigration enforcement, they will be beyond tired of hearing political speeches about reform and may actually take action themselves or cause some kind of action that would be worse than what Arizona passed.
So its a tricky question. All I know is that if you are going to criticize this solution made by the retard republicans of Arizona, then you at least need to find a solution that is better to offer the table. Cause doing something is better than nothing...most of the time.
I mean I am anti-Arizona...not because of the immigration laws but because of their racism towards history classes.
Posted by myperspective08 at 9:03 PM 0 comments
The news media hurts us minorities more sometimes...
Whenever the media reports on minorities and the racism they are dealing with, they sensationalize it so much and leave out facts and are so desparate to get white readers that they make the victim (the minority) look like the perp.
If they aren't busy creating stereotypes about blacks, then they are usually trying to win whites over by making whites look like victims by making the real victim which is a minority look like they somehow did wrong.
The media is not helping out blacks at all. They are throwing us under to help white people feel superior...big suprise.
Posted by myperspective08 at 8:56 PM 0 comments
A minority in Europe=not safe. Why I don't like Europe.
I have no interest in ever going to Europe, for starters, I don't want to be on a plane for that long and secondly, it is a dangerous place for minorities.
UK has a vendetta against Indians, Africans, and Asians kinda in the same way America is having problems with the Hispanic population...only worse.
BNP has some considerable power there.
Even the more liberal newsite in the UK, The Guardian, is racist. Its not nearly has hateful and cruel as sites such as The Telegraph, Daily Mail, and much more, but its up there. Its like USA Today and The New York to be "liberal" but is racist and caters to the racists.
In France, they just banned the burqa and niqab. In countries like Spain, Italy, and France, there have been several race issues going on with whites attacking minorities. I guess they are following Russia's lead.
Also, its not safe being an American in Europe on top of that. Of course, I am sure people would assume I am African (although I am not as dark as them so who knows what they would actually think), but if they heard me talk, they'd figure out I am American. At that point its going to go one of 2 ways: they are going to suck up for the "tourist money" or they are going to slap me with American stereotypes of being "boorish, uneducated, etc" (which I would imagine is a white thing more than it is a black thing).
So I have the danger of being Black and American in a country that despises both greatly.
That is why you wouldn't catch me going there unless I had no other choice.
Also from what I have heard racism there is slightly different than here...its crueler and more deceptive and in your face.
That is a reason on its own for not going to Europe. At least I know America's racism. As dangerous as it is to me, I know very little about the racism of Europe which just increases the dangers there as a minority.
Europe was the site of Jews being slaughtered....and those Jews were white!! Just think of the cruel inhumanity they would do to those of color over there...I'll give you a hint, it would be something straight out of Russia.
America and Europe are dangerous places for minorities....but one will always be more dangerous based on where you live. To a minority in Britain they may see America as dangerous...and they're right. It is a dangerous place. So is all of Europe.
Posted by myperspective08 at 8:54 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 10, 2010
I hate white people
I hate them. I don't want them as friends and you would never catch me dating them. I will never trust a white person for as long as I have to live.
Posted by myperspective08 at 8:56 PM 0 comments
The return of Jim Crow and the impending race war
I truly do believe we are returning to Jim Crow, maybe in a more covert way but I do believe we are returning. Remember there was a brief period after the end of slavery and before Jim Crow began were there was some progression for blacks. Before the South got its power back.
I would never ever put it past white people to return to something like Jim Crow. I mean there was a facebook group about the Arizona immigration bill that claimed they were not a racist group but they were. It was all about the "poor white person". Now Arizona plans to ban ethnic studies to further encourage discrimination.
I would never put it past whites. That is why I fear Republicans getting power. They are the party for white supremacy they support racism against blacks they want to destroy us in every way possible.
I truly do believe a race war will happen. If terrorists want to bomb America and all then fine, just fucking leave us black people out of it. Your problem is with white people. They are the ones that fucked you guys. We are just victims of white people ourselves.
I already know America is going to fall...probably as a result of the race war that is going to happen. But blacks not underestimate whites. If they are capable of passing an immigration bill directed at hispanics, just think of all the plethora of things they can pass that will hurt us black people.
The supreme court is not on our side. There isn't a black person on there (thomas is not black he is just another white wannabe). 5 conservatives who support racism against blacks. They don't care about the law or constitution one bit.
America was built on racism and will die because of racism. And it is all white peoples fault.
Posted by myperspective08 at 8:48 PM 0 comments
Jim Crow forgotten
Often whites can only seem to remember that slavery happened. They just love to use excuses like "slavery ended 150 years ago" or "I never owned slaves". But what about Jim Crow? That lasted for nearly 100 years and was just as bad if not worse in some ways than slavery.
And many people from that era are still alive. Would you actually tell a woman who is in her 80s or 90s to get over something that more than likely had a major impact on her life?
Would you tell someone such as Ruby Bridges who integrated an elementary school to get over what she went though since times are apparently different (which really isn't true)? What about Minnijean Brown of The Little Rock Nine?
What about family members of MLK?
Racism is still alive. One of the worst things to come out of the Civil rights movement is that its harder to spot the racists since a good majority of them have went under ground and are not loudly vocal like they used to be.
I get sick of seeing whites use the "slavery is over" argument. It holds no water considering its not slavery anyone is talking about!!!
Posted by myperspective08 at 8:42 PM 0 comments
Racism can be largely defeated....
White people don't want it to be defeated. Since they dismiss racism directed at blacks all the time and condone it too, it just shows how much they support racism.
White people love to pretend that racism happens to themselves, but none of us care because not a single one of you has yet to combat racism against us minorities. We are powerless. We have reason to be upset.
White people are not the type to work hard for what they need. I mean they have never really had to. They had blacks and chinese build the railroads. They had blacks do all the manuel labor for free for hundreds of years and so on. Whites rarely ever work hard and the few that do, were usually not American born. White Americans are just very pathetic.
They could easily destroy racism just by refusing to condone it and excuse it and justify it but that is too much work for them. They consider it racist whenever a black person can compete with them on the same level. So they see no advantage in destroying racism.
They are nothing without their white privilege. Absolutely nothing.
Posted by myperspective08 at 8:37 PM 0 comments
What is the follow up?
Have you ever noticed that every single person that has ever claimed they are not racist has 9 out of 10 times followed up that statement with something that is racist? Dismissing racism against blacks is a form of racism in itself.
For starters, when you have to say you are not racist, you already have me thinking you are racist. I mean someone who truly thinks they are not racist wouldn't even say they aren't racist. Saying it is to try to confirm it to yourself to make you feel better about the upcoming racist statement you are about to make.
When a white person says the word "race card" that alone makes you a racist cause once again you are dismissing racism to make yourself feel better about being a racist.
So if you don't want me to think you are racist do the following:
1. Stop saying you are not racist
2. Stop going into stereotypes
3. Stop dismissing racism
4. Stop condoning racism.
Naturally white people are incapable of doing that. Godforbid they actually have to do something for once in their worthless lives.
Posted by myperspective08 at 8:33 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 9, 2010
The importance of ethnic studies courses
Arizona did something admirable (combating illegal immigration) but then did a complete 180 and did something despicable, they are banning ethnic studies classes.
You see, Republicans rationale is that it favors one race and that you can get your "racial" history in regular ole' American history.
Um..newsflash! If one was getting it in regular ole' American history, then there would be no need for ethnic classes in the first place! But obviously that isn't so.
The point of ethnic studies classes (black history, hispanic history, asian history, etc) is to teach students about American history from the perspective of minorities, those that were legally forced to suffer for no reason other than their skin color.
Regular history class is in the slant of the white rich male with the occasional female.
Most students hate history and will not take the time to learn about history outside of class. How will they know about other races' history if there is no class for it?
Although, it isn't much help if few to none of whites take those classes in the first place.
I am expecting my African American studies class to be majority black if not all black.
When I become a history teacher I hope to save white students from being so inherently racist by teaching about other races' and their contributions to America. Parents have only fostered racsim in white children, someone has to step up to the plate and tell them racism is not okay.
I plan to teach to them how racism goes beyond just Jim Crow and will even implement assignments that focus on it.
Someone has to fight back against racism.
Ethnic studies are important, you can't create tolerance if you never mention other races.
Posted by myperspective08 at 1:28 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 8, 2010
White Othello??
I detest Shakespeare in every way possible. Unless one can do an updated version such as 10 Things I Hate About You or She's the Man, I can honestly say, I will get bored quickly.
In fact, I hate theatre all together. Back in October I saw Phantom of the Opera. Realizing that the mask is just like the one in the movie and alot of the scenes and songs are more like the 2004 movie as opposed to say the grotesque 1900s movie, I realized, why see it like that when I could see it on tv with someone as hot as Gerard Butler?
On top of that, my seat wasn't the greatest. It was free tickets from the school, what do you expect?
So I am not a theatre enthusiast.
But, Othello is one of the very miniscule, if only, plays by Shakespeare that has to do with a black man. The problem is, they rarely use a black man. They use a white man with black make up or just use a white man with no makeup.
Authenticity it lacks. Why get a white man to play what a black man can do naturally by just being himself?
Worse, whites are taking what few roles blacks do have away from them for the most selfish reasons.
I do not like Shakespeareans one bit. They are horrific people, who are blinded by ignorance and have yet to enter the 21st century.
I do not like to socialize with Shakespeareans because they are freaks of natures. They are talentless and that is why most of them will never cross over into Hollywood where the real acting is at.
A white Othello is a joke, and just gives me further reason to be anti-Shakespeare plays.
Posted by myperspective08 at 11:53 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Does colorism set the standard for how racism is viewed?
I think it may.
Think about it like this. When dark skinned blacks point out how light skinned blacks (and biracials which I will just consider light skinned for now) are colorist towards darker skinned blacks, often the light skinned black will talk about how they are mistreated and will be dismissed by the dark skinned blacks.
The relations between different shades of the same race could in fact be the perfect example of why race relations between different races are so bad. Neither side is listen and neither side is working on the problem.
Dark skinned blacks do discriminate towards light skinned blacks. Light skinned blacks do in fact discriminate towards dark sinned blacks. Both are so busy proving how they are the victim, neither realize that they could fix the problem by stop contributing to the problem.
Both sides need to understand what they are doing or saying to each other that is causing the divide to continue. It shouldn't even be a problem in the black community.
Yes, its easy to blame slavery for the divide. But as many have said, it is only an explanation for how it started, not for why blacks are still letting colorism be a problem today.
You can't blame white people for colorism as most don't even know about the damn problem. As far as they are concerned black is black no matter how light or dark you are.
But dark skinned blacks feel they are the only victims. Because they feel that light skinned blacks have it easier, they mistreat those who are light skinned due to percieved colorism. As a result, the light skinned black either fights back or to compensate for low view of self, they make themselves feel superior. What does this end up resulting in? Just confirming the darker skinned black person's belief about light skinned blacks. So you see, the circle doesn't end!
And when you step back and see how both parties seem to only keep the problem alive rather than to stop and listen to each other and think about solutions, one can't help but wonder if this is part of the reason whites and blacks cannot get along.
Whites assume the worst about blacks, which causes blacks to fight back or mistrust whites and safeguard against mass majority racism that whites tend to have. Whites in return assume blacks must be racist. So the circle never ends. Neither side listens to the other and the problem goes unsolved.
So this actually leaves one question in mind. Why is it so hard for people to just shut up and listen and to rationally find solutions?
Posted by myperspective08 at 11:59 PM 0 comments
Being proud of being white is wrong, but its not wrong to be proud of ethnicity
Being proud of white disturbs me. You are basically saying you are proud of being part of a race that has cause alot of turmoil for minorities. You are proud of racism and torture.
That is why many of us feel sick to our stomachs when someone says they are proud of being white. There is nothing to be proud of.
Now when I hear whites say how proud they are of their Irish, German, or Italian heritage, I totally get them and don't feel the least bit offended.
There is a big difference between being proud of your race and being proud of your heritage/ethnicity.
Your ethnicity correlates with your culture and nationality more.
The Irish have a culture that is different from American Culture (hell even Canada has a different culture).
One can be black or white and totally have the same culture. Home Improvement and The Cosby Show is a great example, especially when Cliff Huxtable tries to "fix" things with similar (but less painful) results as Tim Taylor.
So be proud of being Irish or Italian or whatever, but be ashamed for being white.
Posted by myperspective08 at 11:27 PM 0 comments
Arizona fights back
Illegal immigrants don't have rights.
Arizona is fed up with illegal immigration. Illegal immigrants and other "immigrants" want to fight Arizona's new law.
At least Arizona is doing something.
This law should represent how fed up Americans are with the inaction going on with illegal immigration.
Is Arizona's solution the best? Probably not. But so far no one else has provided a reasonable solution that still tries to answer the illegal immigration problem.
Americans are tired of being put second to Illegals.
If I had it my way, I would stop immigration all together at least until we are out of the Recession-Depression.
Posted by myperspective08 at 3:59 PM 0 comments
Walmart, the business that cherishes its discrimination policies
People shop there because of low prices. Most would love to take a stand and boycott Walmart, but because they can't afford the higher expenses at other places as every dollar counts, people shut up and put up with Walmart's discriminatory behavior.
Walmart discriminates people based on race. Walmart discriminates based on gender...
The Walmart nearest me, is dirty and so damn busy that anyone who is clausterphobic would run out of their immediately.
Way further down that same long street (way way way way way way) further down you could find Target and Kmart, which people think are better to go to as they believe they are not discrimintory since you only hear about Walmart.
I am glad to break it to you, that Target and K-Mart are just as discrimintory. I knew someone who worked at K-Mart, who is white. He told me, that because they had met the quoata for minorities, they refused to hire anymore. That was why his black friend could not get hired. Of course he kept his job, which made me lose respect for him.
I see few blacks at all 3 of these stores. Actually, of the three stores, in my area, more work at Walmart and almost close to none get hired at Target, and many do apply.
The Target in my area is cleaner, and its colors are more appealing, but they are discrimintory too. Walmart just represents the villainy that box stores have created.
Almost no one goes to K-Mart anymore. They have nothing to offer and their store is just pathetic. They can't even decide if they are Big K-Mart or just plan ole K-Mart!!!
Box stores are able to discriminate freely without reprecussion because they have the backing of republicans and the 5 conservative "justices" on the supreme court.
They also can get away with it because they know their customers are too poor to take a stand. A business has no reason to stop its discrimintory practices when the people who shop there aren't taking a stand. When people stop shopping there to show they are fed up, and they start to lose money and business because of it, then they will listen and stop the practices.
I feel bad for Betty Dukes, she has it twice as hard by being a black woman. We have it harder than anyone else because we will never get a break in life.
Posted by myperspective08 at 3:44 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 23, 2010
Why I would never trust a person who condoned racism
A racism condoner (for lack of a better term) is someone who basically looks the other way when a racist act occurs. They do not denounce it. They even go as far as having racist friends and try to justify it away.
Honestly, you don't have to justify it to me. You have clearly chosen the path of racism.
Its one thing to condone racism of family members. My mom bitches about blacks (yes I know, a white mom with half black kids who is racist sounds disturbing), and has gone as far as to say stereotypical racist crap about them.
She doesn't see how that affects me because she has chosen to ignore the fact that I am half black.
I have to condone her racism, because she is my mom. Some whites have to condone racism of their family because its their blood. You can't just abandon your family...not unless its really causing trouble or pain or something like that, or all the other thousands of reasons kids disown their parents or siblings.
But when it comes to friends, you do choose your friends. I can't stand it when someone tells me that they have a racist friend but then try to list all the good "attributes" about them. Why are you telling me, the black girl this? It doesn't matter to me all the good reasons you are friends with them, not when the one thing about them would keep us from ever being friends.
I just have no trust in people who condone the racism of a friend.
Now you are probably asking why. In your eyes, you don't see whats wrong, if the person themselves are not racist.
But thats just it. Condoning racism is no better than being a racist. You aren't doing anything to fight the wrong. You are basically telling them its okay to be that way.
It makes you question their allegience. Which friend means more to them? I mean at some point these 2 friends of a different spectrum will come face to face. How do you plan to reconcile the vile words that will spill out?
Do you side with the minority friend trying to fight back against the verbal insults? Or do you side with the racist friend simply because you knew them longer and you feel that their racism is forgivable because of all the other benefits of their friendship that only you, get?
You can't rely on these people to come to your defense because of their connections to a racist. If they had a moral compass they wouldn't be friends with a racist.
Besides, the condoner isn't helping your situation by being accepting of racist views. If anything they are making your life as a minority even harder because they aren't fighting this racism with you.
Posted by myperspective08 at 5:02 AM 0 comments
Good news!
It was wonderful news when Terreblanche died, ridding the world of one less racist.
But Richard Barret, an American white supremacist is dead.
I don't care if I sound heartless but I have no sympathy for white supremacists. They are worthless and are expendible humans. The world is better off without creeps like that.
He has probably joined Terreblanche in hell with their savior, Satan.
Posted by myperspective08 at 4:50 AM 0 comments
Blaming blacks for crimes they did not commit
It is very common for people, especially women to blame a black person for something they did not do, simply to cover up their own crimes and wrongs.
Blacks are not allowed to have a benefit of the doubt. They are treated guilty and are rarely allowed to be innocent of something by cops and the court.
The lastest blame "the black person" game was by an Iranian woman who decided to kill her kid.
I hope she gets the chair, mostly because any bitch that blames a black person for it when they didn't do it, doesn't deserve life.
Too bad the story of the boy who cried wolf can't apply here. Meaning, if people kept blaming blacks for their own crimes, then at some point, no one will believe them when they blame a black person for something. But life doesn't work that way. Cops are too stupid and Americans fully back racism against blacks.
When reported about this, you know how whites responded? They bashed black people and said racist shit while treating this Iranian murderer like an innocent angel who didn't deserve to be punished even though they knew she did it.
Whenever someone says a black did it, that translate to police as "arrest anyone that is black" because lets face it, white people think blacks look the same.
A light skinned black wearing hollister looks the same to them as a dark skinned black wearing gangsta clothing.
I hope this bitch rots in hell though. The world would be better off without racist scum like herself.
Posted by myperspective08 at 4:42 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Supreme Court Judge Stevens to retire
He knew it was a smart move, as much as I did. He is in his 90s and knows that its vitally important for Obama to get another liberal judge in before Republicans take over and destroy America.
We already see the damage that the 5 conservative "judges" have done. We need to get another liberal judge in their to keep the semi balance.
I am sick of the racist conservatives exerting legal hate and racism. Someone has to fight back.
Posted by myperspective08 at 9:07 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
The difference between Xenophobia and Racism
I one time remember the Veronicas (2 white girls from Australia) call this white girl from America racist. The girl (I don't remember her name) was supposed to open at one of their concerts. She got dropped and she basically blogged about how America was superior to Australia and etc etc.
The Veronicas responded by saying that she was a racist for her comments against Australians.
But the thing is, racism has to do with race. This isn't a race issue, nor is it an ethnic issue. Its a nationality issue.
All the girls involved were white. All of them come from European descent. The only difference was the basher was from America and the Veronicas were from Australia.
This is a case of xenophobia. To be xenophobic has to do with hating someone on the basis of their nationality.
When it comes to Mexican illegals entering the United States, some cases are due to racism (Neo Nazis have stated they are okay with Sweden Immigrants but not racial minority immigrants). Some cases are due to financial issues and the mistreatment of Americans at the cost of illegals (this group usually has no problems with legal immigrants). And then some cases are simply due to xenophobia, which in this case, they don't want any immigrants legal or illegal coming at all. Usually the xenophobic type are like this with the French and the British too (can you blame them?)
Speaking of which the French and the British are known for being xenophobic. In fact in Britain, they are very xenophobic against America.
Almost every country is xenophobic to an extent. No country wants to just let everyone in and change their culture. Xenophobia usually does go hand in hand with racism.
In Europe, if you are a white American, you are more likely to be forgiven for being American than if you are a Black American (although, as much as Europe hates America they thrive off our money through tourism so their tune may slightly change if you are American while being black than if you are African).
But you also have the xenophobes who aren't racist. Their reason is more legit. With the Racist Xenophobe, they will assume because of your skin tone that you will bring your culture there and ruin it. They will not get to know you and they will just hate you. But the Xenophobe who isn't racist, just merely hates the idea of people not assimilating to the culture of the country one is moving to.
Case in point: English as the language of the US. Many Americans hate the fact that Spanish people won't learn English and are trying to change the culture of America (and yes America does have its own consumer culture). They aren't racist for wanting English to be the language of America, they just want to protect the heritage and culture of their country. Why should those born in America have to learn Spanish? Shouldn't the people coming here learn English instead?
Sometimes the only thing that makes a person xenophobic is when they feel their own culture is diminishing and becoming something foreign because of immigrants. Its not asking much for those who want to move in to assimilate to the culture of that country.
But usually the most popular form of xenophobia is Racist Xenophobia inwhich they go hand in hand. It is very rare to find the xenophobia that isn't racist.
Posted by myperspective08 at 9:10 PM 0 comments
Who cares about Terreblanche?
White supremacy in Africa. How is that even possible? How can you kick blacks out of their homeland?
I am amazed it took black people that long to finally get rid of that freak of nature. That ugly man that didn't even look like a human. He looked like a dog that was beaten up.
Who cares about Terreblanche?
If white people hate it so much in South Africa, go to to Austrailia. Go to Ireland. I mean, you have no right to bring white supremacy into the continent of Africa.
A white person could never be an African just like a black person from Britian could never be an Anglo-Saxon.
I think South Africa should celebrate. Whenever a white supremacist/seperatist dies, that is a good thing. I think white supremacists should be steralized.
Posted by myperspective08 at 9:05 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 5, 2010
Michael one feels bad for you, not even blacks
Michael Steele claimed that because he and Obama are black, they have very little room to make mistakes. Basically what he was saying was that blacks don't have 3 strikes, they only have 1 strike and then they are out.
Yes, what he said is true. But I don't feel the least bit sorry for Steele. He is just another asshole republican who like all other republicans bitched about finances or morality while doing the very opposite in their personal life and then try to justify or lie about it.
On top of that, I tend to have very little respect for conservative Blacks because they tend to support racism and rarely ever denounce it. Just look at Clarence Thomas, he is always supporting the racist white person in court, every single time.
If you knew about this kind of thing as a black man in a position that is high and even worse, a position that is on the Republican side, why on earth would you do anything to threaten that, such as the credit card spendings?
I don't like Republicans period, and I definitely don't like conservative blacks like Michael Steele.
When you go around pandering to the racists and trying to pretend you are not black, its only a matter of time before someone lets you know that you are in fact black. And no one is going to be on your side, not even your own race.
While his comments about being black and in a high level political position are true, I just don't give a crap what he has to say or how the Republicans are treating him. Its your own fault for joining the very party that you know doesn't like you.
Obama on the other hand, I feel sorry for because he is trying to do great things and everyone is beating up on him for no reason.
Posted by myperspective08 at 11:59 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Political discrimination
So Doctor Jack Cassell placed a sign on his door stating he wants Obama supporters to seek a Urologist somewhere else.
There are several types of political discrimination. In this skeptic age people are becoming more and more louder about their political views.
Obama's election brought out people's true colors, and continues to do so. People are finding that they can't be friends with those who are politically different from them, while others have found that they only could if they refrain from talking about politics.
While we have laws in place prohibiting gender, racial, and religious discrimination, that doesn't mean these laws are being implemented. Is it realistically possible to prohibit political discrimination?
For starters, should people be so vocal about their political views that it creates problems such as what Cassell is doing?
I mean, unlike gender and race, you have control over your views. Should people attack you for them? No. But no one would know your views unless you made them known (although if you are black people basically assume you are a Democrat).
The problem is, what is the fine line of political discrimination and then morally being against someone's views?
For example, would you want to hire a man who you know is part of the KKK? Knowing full well they would be in contact with minorities? Those minorities could be in harm. Some would argue it would be political discrimination to hire a KKK member, others realize it would be morally wrong to hire someone who will more than likely cause trouble.
But if the only political views known is if one is a Republican or a Democrat and you didn't hire someone because they are a Democrat then that is political discrimination.
But laws are known to be vague. Just look at the Civil Rights Bill of 1964 and the 14th Amendment, they were made so vague that whites have been misusing these laws and taking them away from what they were originally for. Whites have basically used them for white supremacy causes and increasing racism.
So if one were to fight for political discrimination to be illegal, it would be dangerous to not specify because a vague ruling that its wrong to discriminate on the basis of one's political beliefs is just welcoming in the white supremacist and extreme right wing crazies.
Posted by myperspective08 at 2:08 PM 0 comments
Liberals: The racist in disguise
With republicans/conservatives, you already know their views on race. They favor white supremacy over everyone else. They fight for whites. They are not accepting of others who are different from them.
But with liberals, its a different story.
There are two type of liberal racism. One type is the "white hero" racism. They feel you can only progress with their help. They look down on you and stereotype you as ghetto.
The other liberal racism type is much more like republican racism only difference is that the liberal votes democrat. Why? Because they are liberal about everything except race. They just care much more about something such as environment, separation of church and state, and gays more than they do about white supremacy.
Most white liberals fall into one of these two categories. Very very microscopic few are actually anti-racist. Not even the ones who are in interracial relationships are anti-racist. They have racist views themselves (my mom has racist views, although she isn't a liberal, but is a Democrat).
Posted by myperspective08 at 1:46 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
English as the official language: Its about culture
I fully support deporting all Hispanics/Latin people back to Mexico or whatever is south of the border. I feel the American identity is slowly dying away.
When they say "Melting pot", it means different ethnic cultures assimilate. Not try painstakingly to be different from others.
I find seeing Spanish on everything below english, and having to press 1 for English to be offensive. Why are we babying Mexicans?
They call it racist, we Americans call it wanting to preserve the American culture which is basically english. No one is telling you what you have to do in the privacy of your own home.
I just don't like the direction America is taking. I myself am not too keen on multicultural stuff. I don't like the idea that one could be rejected a job for not speaking Spanish. What has happened to good old American values?
Those who came before us both Democrat and Republican alike would be ashamed at how America has sold its sole because its too PC to tell Mexicans to learn English and to stop babying them.
Deport the illegals and stop immigration for a while.
Posted by myperspective08 at 1:59 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 29, 2010
Forced Multiculturalism
To me, there is something unsettling about forced multiculturalism.
But first let me define what it is. Forced multiculturalism is when you go out of your way trying to "diversify" something. For example, lets say your church has been majority white for the last 100 years. Lets say that the those in charge of the church feel it would make their congregation look better and have even more respect if they were diverse. So they go looking for minorities. They try to make their church appealing and mask it up to be this diverse place. They are basically hunting and shopping for minorities.
Why is this so unsettling to me? Because the reality is, there is a reason that church has been white for 100 years!
When you have to go out of you way to diversify something, there is a good chance that that "something" isn't exactly accepting of minorities.
The church I used to go to was heavily white. When I was a little kid, I was one of maybe 2 or 3 other blacks. That was about as diverse as that church ever got.
When I went back there temporarily between 16 and 18, I found that the church had more black people then when I left (I was 9 when I left because my mom didn't have time to go to church anymore and I was a kid so I didn't want to go). The church is still mostly white, but it has definitely improved racially.
I don't know if the church became more multiracial due to hard campaigning or if it was because it is the only reasonable church, and is one of the biggest ones in the area.
But I have read stories where churches and other places tried to force multiculturalism on everyone. One way to make a white person more racist against minorities is when you force them into a multicultural situation when they don't want to be or are not ready to be.
You can't create acceptance when one party feels they are being forced to tolerate and accept something. It makes them feel victimized. There are basic racial codes we should all follow such as not harassing people or hurting them or doing wrong to them. But to force them to like different races or different cultures, is breeding them to be more racist.
That is why I don't feel comfortable in places where multiculturalism is forced. You can usually tell it was forced when you find yourself getting the cold treatment.
When multiculturalism happens on its own, it feels so much better. People are more tolerant and seem much more interested in knowing about different lifestyles and cultures. These are the people that don't seem to be phased by the idea of multiculturalism.
But in a church example, how could multiculturalism happen? Using my 100 year old white church example again, lets change the multicultural scenario. Lets say this time a black family moves into the area, and of the church options available, they find they like what that white church has to offer. They go to it and while they stand out and get stares, no one is too angry about it. Lets say that the black family recommends to others about this church and they come along. Slowly on its own, the church becomes more multicultural and the whites of that church warm up to the people much more because they don't feel imposed on.
Does it always work that way? No. Sometimes whites want their church to be white. They will often make it loud and clear.
But in places such as the south, one shouldn't be too surprised by white churches. Its pretty common there. Remnants of a racist past, plus the fact that white churches are in white areas (and whites make it clear they don't want black neighbors even if they are similar to each other). On top of that, white churches are very different from black churches.
I myself, only went to a white church growing up because of my white family.
But in the end, forced multiculturalism is not helpful to an already racially sensitive situation.
Posted by myperspective08 at 11:40 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 27, 2010
The Mona Lisa Smile controversy
A few years ago when Mona Lisa Smile was in production, there was a controversy over the race of the extras used for the film.
The casting director stated she didn't want people who were "too tan" to be in the extras. This created an upset for non-whites.
The rationale behind this was that they were trying to match the racial demographic of the 1950s, not the current demographic of the 2000s.
But one problem noted was that Asians were being overrepresented seeing that there were only 3 of them enrolled in 1953. Yet blacks were underrepresented with only 1 black extra when there were 12 enrolled in 1953.
Obviously, the chances of coming across 12 black students throughout the movie would be unlikely.
But was this a controversy?
The casting director used a poor choice of words, but had a very good point. When you are doing something in relation to history, you can't just ignore the realities of that history to conform to our modern ideas and views.
Watch the movies A League of Their Own and Iron Jawed Angels. Both movies have very small brief scenes where it showed how black women were having to fight the racial struggle on top of the gender struggle.
The directors of both of these movies could have as easily left these parts out and pretended such problems never existed. But they both new that the truth was, there were racial problems in the fight for gender equality (and there are still problems).
Of course, this doesn't excuse the over-representation of Asians in the movie. Remember, having one minority group represented that isn't black, doesn't excuse not having black people. Minority groups are not the same.
Posted by myperspective08 at 2:57 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Only blacks are against unity within its own race
I was reading a post about how its blacks fault that Koreans have so much control over the black hair industry.
The blogger was very correct in the assessment that blacks are not unified.
Blacks are so busy trying to wipe blackness out of the family line with interracial relationships, and hating on one another by living up and/or inaccurately applying stereotypes to each other, that its no surprise the black race has been such a failure.
As soon as we got through the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, blacks felt that it was better to just try to force whites to integrate and in a sense "live off of them" rather than do what Asians have done and that is try to make your own equivalent things and become a smart and self supporting race.
I mean, we were on the right track until MLK was assasinated. I think we are so busy feeling as if we should be paid for all the racism we have suffered from that we are basically handing whites and other minorities the keys to controlling and dominating our lives more. News flash blacks, whites are never going to pay us what they owe us, they are never going to make the racism they did to us right.
We may be "integrated", but we aren't helping ourselves by letting whites and asians have control over our way of life. I mean, no one but our own race can stop the gangs, drive by shootings, violence and other ghettoness that is destroying the black race.
In my philosophy class, the black girl next to me, basically went off on our Russian teacher. The teacher was saying that it wasn't really the students' fault that inner city schools are in the condition they are in, but the black girl who happened to attend an inner city school made it blatantly clear that she does believe its the students fault. She had alot of emotion and passion in saying that students today just don't take care of their schools. We all basically agreed with her, but the teacher was still leaning towards it being the fault others.
We are not valuing education. Bill Cosby was right when he criticized Ebonics and furthermore would criticize blacks who would rush to the defense of a black person in trouble with the law who was clearly guilty. It does make you stop and think, why are we defending trash? Its one thing if they are innocent and are not being treated properly but why is it we seem to "come together" when its a black person being persecuted for violence? Why aren't we coming together to clean up the streets and rid it of gangs and violence? Why aren't we coming together to ensure blacks get a proper education and go off to college and try to serve the black community?
I mean, blacks were in a frenzy a year or two back when Obama dared say what we were all thinking...and thats how black men need to step up and take responsibility and be dads. Sure there are blacks that do, but many including mine and my sister's (different dads) don't.
We are so bent on getting upset over the truth that our inaction as a race is further making it harder for our race than it has to be. I guess its easier to deny the reality of the situation than it is to stand up and try to fix the problem.
I mean doesn't anyone else notice that the one race with little to no true unity, is the one race that is further behind everyone else?
When are we going to take the reigns back from white people?
Posted by myperspective08 at 2:54 PM 0 comments
14th Amendment-Perfect Example of what happens when poor language leaves the door open to misuse
In 2007 racist whites managed to overturn a policy that would help minorities. They claimed their 14th amendment "rights" were being infringed upon.
The thing is, the 14th Amendment does not apply to white. It applies to people of color. Because the people making the law used poor language in specifying this, whites have managed to misuse something that was meant to help blacks who actually are victims of racism.
Whats the point of having laws prohibiting something, if the majority turn around and abuse and misuse the laws meant to protect you?
I mean, look at the 19th Amendment...that only applies to women, it doesn't apply to men at all.
We have 5 justices on the Supreme Court who support racism against blacks, and have been voting horribly. One of them is black, but I do not consider him black, since he is nothing more than a traitor to blacks. He wants to be white, so he does what white people want him to do, even if it hurts the rest of us. He is like my sister, someone who just loves racism and will justify racism against blacks until the day the die.
These 5 don't deserve to be on there for life, they need to retire now so we can replace them with real judges. As long as conservatives have power, its better to just hand America over to our enemies, they can't possibly do worse than conservatives.
Posted by myperspective08 at 1:55 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Is it sometimes better to focus on one social issue at a time?
Movies like A League of Their Own and Iron Jawed Angels each have small little scenes which show that while women are breaking down women are still suffering because of racial barriers.
In Iron Jawed Angels, Alice tells the black woman that they need every vote they can, and it would only be harder if they were fighting a problem that was worse than gender discrimination.
It was the same thing the WASPs (women flying planes during WWII) said about excluding blacks (although the hypocrisy in that was they allowed other non-whites).
It is a hard question to answer. Is it better to focus on one social issue at at time? Remember, black men got the right to vote after the Civil War...even though that isn't saying much since whites made sure they could not vote.
If women secured the right to vote, that meant by default black women could too (yet again, only in theory since it wouldn't be until the Votings Right Act in the 1960s that would abolish poll taxes, tests, and threats/harassment at the voting place).
Alice does have a point, by fighting basically 2 issues at the same time, it makes it much more harder to accomplish your goals.
When you look at black women, there is a reason most of them will speak and talk more about racism than sexism...we feel we are fighting a harder battle with racism. Have, I myself, a woman dealt with sexism? Yes. My most recent experience was in a cab, the driver (an unapologetic conservative who doesn't mind bad mouthing everything and everyone, especially women) wouldn't listen to me or my mom when we told him he was turning the card the wrong way.
It is much more easier to change peoples attitudes about gender than it is about race.
I guess when you focus on too many issues at once, its harder to put all your energy and resources into it and get the results you want. Not to mention, most in the North and the South, were segregationists...race would give them any easy way to denounce the fight. On top of that, its white women, why would they care about an entirely different social issue?
What about black women who deal with being both black and female? Like I said, there is a reason most black women will focus on one of the two issues much more than the other. Its very hard to fight two battles, even though we are living examples of people who have to deal with both issues all the time.
I remember when the Anthony Sowell case was happening a few months back, a white woman said on the news that this is an example of the police treating women badly for being me it was more of a racial one, although it much more easier to get people to listen instead of denounce what you have to say when it is about sexism rather than racism.
Posted by myperspective08 at 6:48 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 22, 2010
Sometimes its easier to advocate quietly, nor never take sides
I was watching an ad by Shaquille O'Neal, it was your typical "guy being scared of being hit on by another guy" kind of bit...nothing we haven't seen before.
Well, because of that ad he was called homophobic. The ad was about sports of course. But anyways...
The irony is that he said a long while back that he had no problems with playing b-ball with gay guys and whatnot.
It made me think about how some people will advocate for a cause that would never affect them. Such as straight people advocating for gays, or whites advocating for blacks.
Obviously the minority race would need someone of the majority to help them get heard because the majority tunes out the minority.
But sometimes you can see why some in the majority shy away from advocating for something that doesn't affect them.
1. They know they could never truly understand so they feel they have no right to speak for something that doesn't affect them.
but most of all is
2. No one wants to advocate on behalf of an oppressed group, only for that oppressed group to immediately turn on them due to misperceptions about an action or word.
I used to support gay rights, albeit quietly. But when I kept dealing with snotty gays and worse, racist gays, I just stopped supporting them. It wouldn't bother me if they got marriage rights or not.
But when you advocate on behalf of the oppressed and they turn on you quickly, you realize that you and them are fighting different causes. You are trying to fight for their rights, and they are just trying to find problems every where even ones that may not be existent.
You have to be careful about vocally being an advocate for something that does not really affect you much because the oppressed group is never going to have a full alliance with you and will eventually turn on you at the first mishap.
Posted by myperspective08 at 2:56 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Illegal Immigration
Probably my most conservative view is illegal immigration. Normally I am a moderate to liberal, but when it comes to immigration, I can't stand the liberal view on it. I hate the Liberal view of illegal immigration so much that I wish the moderate and conservative Democrats would kick the liberals out of the democrat party or would split and section off from them.
I staunchly support English as the official language of the USA. When you move to another country to live there, it is one's best interest to learn the language of that culture.
My university has alot of Indian, Middle Eastern, Asian, and African students, and even though they speak their home language to each other, they have been learning English or know English very well.
The class that occupies the room before my math class is a class for students to learn English.
All that money that goes into making Spanish versions of everything could go towards making English learning classes (to be required) for those applying for citizenship.
Its not like we are asking you to give up your culture. Last week, Asians dedicated a different day to Asian cultures, such as Korean Night, Chinese Night, and Japan Night.
No one is taking your language away, we are basically just saying, that we don't want to go out of our way to make you our country like your country. When you decide to make America your home, you should be wanting to give up your allegience to that other country, not trying to make Americans give up theirs.
I personally think we should put or resources into fixing Mexico rather than fixing Iraq. We are domestically affected more by illegal immigration when it comes to our economy.
I once watched a video of a man who had a jar of gumballs. 1 gumball represented a million people. The US ignores that illegal million when it comes into our country...the amount of illegal and legal millions we let in falsely thinking it helps the situation turns out to be of little help.
I do think we as humans have a duty to help humans...but we also have to remember that we can't possibly help other countries when we are in trouble...and even more, we can't help other countries when they refuse to address their own problems that keep causing us to have to help them.
So far, by allowing the immigration problems we have right now, we are basically letting them bring their problems to America.
Look at the vicious gangs they have? Blacks have found themselves doing the very thing Whites did to them(and still do) and that is flight.
I know many illegal immigration supporters use the argument of the great immigration of the late 1800s and early 1900s where many particularly Irish, immigrated to the USA.
But the policy of that era and before it was largely more open policy. We are not the same people with the same policy today in 2010. You really can't use that argument because you comparing different time periods with different policies.
Posted by myperspective08 at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Tea baggers strike again
The Tea Party is the new KKK.
They have made racist pictures of Obama, even going as far as lynching him.
They recently hurled racial slurs at Rep. Lewis.
And they even directed their hate at a man with Parkinson's Disease.
What the hell is wrong with these rednecks?
Obviously they have no education when the first things they can think of in terms of is the word "nigger".
What is even more sickening is that these hateful creeps go to church the next day pretending to be Christian. I hope God is looking down and shaking his head at these Pharisees.
These Tea baggers remind me of why I am so proud to be a Democrat. I could never be what those people are supposed to be.
Someone needs to make a counter group that is full of love and not hate.
The reason we Liberals are so intolerant of conservatives is that we refuse to be tolerant of the intolerant.
The Tea Baggers clearly show they are intolerant as do all the other conservatives.
Posted by myperspective08 at 2:56 PM 0 comments
Yahoo Answers: White Supremacist website
The website is nothing more than trolls...its full of racism, pro-atheism, and any other kind of ism you can think of.
Its a hateful site.
The original purpose of the website was for people to ask questions and get answers...but now its damn near impossible to get an actual answer to a question.
I decided to look up questions pertaining to Irish people getting upset over Americans calling themselves Irish. One person had a very good question, it had no offenses, it was pure curiosity in the calmest manner.
How do the answerers respond? They accuse the asker of being angry even though the only person with the attitude is the answerers, not the asker. On top of it, they answered with a question rather than with an answer. Instead of actually thinking about the question they just bitched at the asker. Worse of all, none of the answerers were Irish, so the few that even tried to answer the question were giving an American perspective on it so basically the question never did get answered. Yahoo Answers is not limited to the US either.
Its like a circus full of idiots.
I remember there being a site like that for Hotmail users, it was called QnA. It too was a trashy website full of trolls, this time it was disgusting conservative racists and ignorant losers.
Thankfully that site got shut down.
You would think Yahoo Answers would follow the same death since its nothing but crap.
Posted by myperspective08 at 2:49 AM 0 comments
When it became "cool" to be Irish
When the Irish were allowed to be white and have white privlege they basically forgot all about the struggles they had and relished in their new found glory.
On top of that things began to change in the last few decades itself. It was no longer a mark of shame to be Irish. But now it is seen as cool. St. Patrick's Day proves that.
Besides, how often have we all made mention of our Irish blood?
I have it and almost every person I have ever known has it.
Its one thing to want to know about your bloodline and your heritage...but its another thing to claim you are Irish when you are not.
Unlike most countries, only in America do you see born and bred Americans divide themselves off by calling themselves Irish American.
The Irish are probably laughing at Americans. Americans seem to have this glory for being something that they themselves are not. Very few know of Irish history, let alone actually have been to Ireland. I wouldn't be surprised if most peoples' story is that the last family member from Ireland was 100 years ago.
No European wants to be connected to Americans if they don't have to be.
Some have exclaimed they are European! So they should say they are Irish American...but if one is European, that is basically saying there is no such thing as being American.
So it does bring up the question....should we be divided by ethnic descent or should we be united by nationality?
Posted by myperspective08 at 2:38 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Africans are no better than African Americans
Africans hate Black Americans. Africans fall victim to believing stereotypes. They do not have the heartless and hateful history that Black Americans have to live with by being American.
Many Africans have been infiltrating America and other Western countries. And the thing is, no one likes it.
Africans, like other minorities benefit off the hard work black Americans did to secure some rights for minorities. Yet they hate the very people that made life for them easier.
I knew an African girl who spoke French. She was stuck up and a horrible horrible person. I was so glad when I found out she moved my last year of high school.
I don't like the idea of allowing immigrants who have hateful natures such as the Africans into our country. That just creates a greater divide.
Africans think they are somehow better than the rest of us blacks, but racists will hate them too. Their being from Africa will save them no more than my being American in Italy or Spain (in otherwords, it won't save any of us).
If anything, their isolationist attitude will make it harder for them to fight racism. Why would we want to unite with self hating and black hating people? Why would we want to help out an enemy?
I don't even want to call myself "African American" sometimes because I want no relation to Africans who are so stuck up towards black Americans.
Posted by myperspective08 at 11:07 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 19, 2010
Visiting other cultures isn't need to emmerse!
Many will state that in order to have a better understanding of the cultures around you, you need to visit those countries.
But just visiting those countries isn't enough to show you how small of a world you live in.
One needs to emmerse themselves into those cultures.
Eat their foods, try out their traditions, learn some of their language, wear their clothes, and basically live and be like the people of that culture.
Anyone can visit another country and observe a culture from a stand-offish experience. But that won't give them a real understanding. That will on make them feel as though they are savages, barbaric or behind everyone else. It gives you a sense of superiority because you aren't experiencing their culture and why they prefer to keep their culture rather than fully be Westernized.
Its like how you will have thousands comment about the politics of other countries from the perspective of American politics being the "correct" way only.
If people emmersed themselves into other countries and experienced life in the shoes of others, I find it harder to believe that people could be so hateful.
Its like when you look at an image of the Earth from near the moon (the famous Apollo images), you can't believe there is so much hate and turmoil on that earth when its so small in the grand scheme of things.
A different culture is always going to remain primative to you as long as you don't fully experience the culture.
Posted by myperspective08 at 3:55 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Mr. Mrs. Ms.
3 prefixes to a name most of us today wouldn't give much thought to.
I have read stories where a black person from the 60s would have this undescrible look on their face when a white would say something rare such as "Mr." "Mrs." or "Miss" (and "thank you" also).
I cringe at being called "Miss", considering I am only 20, it makes me feel as if I am old. I remember when I was shadowing a teacher, I was basically forced to be called "Miss [insert]" because that is the only way to get students to respect you.
Back then, blacks were called by their first name (or some half cocked nickname) because whites did not want to give blacks any respect. Saying "Mr. Mrs. or Miss" is a sign of respect.
Sometimes when I hear a white refer to Obama as "Barry", I can't help but get that feeling of disrespect.
I think I would have wanted to be called "Miss" back then, since it meant something. But just makes me feel old.
Posted by myperspective08 at 10:27 PM 0 comments
Small town hospitality?
If you ask a white person...they will more than likely have a lot of positive things to say about small towns. One thing whites love to throw around is "hospitality".
Naturally they will see these white-erm, I mean-small towns as wonderful.
But if you are black, its a different story.
I am frightened by small towns. I don't like places where everyone knows you and your business. I don't like being in a place where its 90% white. Chances are its a KKK town, or once was.
I don't think small town hospitality least if you are a black person.
Posted by myperspective08 at 5:16 PM 0 comments
The irony in its "illegal" to fine people for hiring or renting to illegals
I hate our passive approach to illegals.
Some towns have wanted to do what the government has failed to do. And that is crack down on it.
Some towns are in ruin. American citizens suffer at the hands of illegals.
How is it illegal for fining people hire or rent to illegals?
You really can't talk about what is "illegal" when you passively allow illegals to stay instead of deporting them.
Why is it an American would go to jail for breaking the law but illegals who are breaking the law by being here are treated better than Americans?
Its only a matter of time before America becomes Amexica.
Posted by myperspective08 at 5:10 PM 0 comments
Traveling without fear of race problems
Its another white be able to travel without fear of mistreatmen due to race.
I remember a few months back, a girl driving the car stopped at a gas station in a KKK town. I was scared to death. I got a dirty stare by a white man.
I hate small towns...I don't trust them.
We minorities don't get the experience of feeling free when we travel. Its sometimes very scary...all we are doing is the regular American tourism thing, and we get profiled or harassed.
Its no fun.
Posted by myperspective08 at 5:02 PM 0 comments
White Liberal racism vs. White Conservative racism
Republicans tend to be more racist in a overt way. There is a reason many of us tend to refer to the Republican Party as the Party for Whites.
Liberals on the other hand have a more devious type of racism. Theirs fall in the "I pretend to care for your cause but really I see you as the stereotype".
Liberals pretend to be the "hero" and the "champion" for blacks...but notice how the black race has declined in the last 40 years?
Sure, we can't vote republican since the republicans would rather see our demise...but the liberals haven't done anything worthy for us since the 1960s. And those people back in the 1960s were hardly liberal in the same way we have liberals today.
Its one of those "lesser evils" issues again. Who is the better choice? One who is fully against you or one who parades around claiming to be on your behalf but deep down sees you as nothing more than a poster child for ghettoism even if you aren't.
Either way neither side benefit us.
All we can really do is stop the rap and sports influence and get rid of gangs and get our race back to how it behaved in the 1950s.
Cause in the end, whites-liberal or conservative-do not care for us.
Posted by myperspective08 at 4:48 PM 0 comments
Negro on the 2010 Census
So yesterday through another blog I found out about Negro being on the 2010 census. The options were "Black, African American, and Negro".
Today an older black woman in my poli sci discussion class made a case out of it. She kept repeating "This is 2010 not 1910". I responded by saying "maybe it was directed at very old people". Our discussion teacher (who has some black in herself) was shocked by the government's lapse in judgement.
The whites in the class didn't say anything nor seemed to care.
I was kind of passive to this.
Should "negro" be there? No. They claim its there to encompass what "African American" doesn't....but isn't that the point of "black"? Which is clearly an option on there with "african american"?
I mean, would people today even know what classifies someone as "negro"? Which was "black" 40 years ago.
As long as "nigger" isn't on there...I am not upset.
Some claim that "negro" is for spanish speaking blacks...but there isn't alot of them around and the few that are around probably would check something else. On top of that, this brings up an entirely new issue...why the heck do we have to be so damn conforming to the spanish speaking people? Learn English or leave America!
Most whites seem to be more up in arms about "African American"(for no reason other than to be ignorant of history) rather than "Negro" which is an actual outdated term no longer used.
I mean, the only people who use "Negro" in AMERICA (an English speaking country), are old people who don't want to change and racist young people who obviously use it as a way to be disrespectful.
Posted by myperspective08 at 4:18 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Does interracial dating mean the white person is not racist?
Most of us assume that if a white person is with a black person, they must not be racist.
My mom is your typical white racist in that she refuses to see the troubles blacks suffer because of whites.
I was looking at a website that is supposed to be about "afroromance" between blacks and whites, and on that blog, someone posted a study showing whites seem more racist when they avoid the obvious (such as skin color).
These so called interracial dating whites did not hold back in their racism against blacs. Only ONE white person got it in the end and actually called out the racist whites.
When I saw Something New a few years ago, the white character was fed up with dealing with the black girl's race experience.
Well, when you, the white person decide to be with a person of basically need to see yourself as a nonwhite or things will never work.
Posted by myperspective08 at 8:38 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 12, 2010
Choose your battles wisely
Why do people say its a bad idea to fight every battle?
Because, the more you fight, the less people will believe that you had something to fight start to look more like the bully and less like the victim.
Not to mention the unnecessary troubles you will find yourself in.
For instance, if a restaurant does not want to serve could sue them, or better yet, get up and leave. Ask yourself, is it really worth fighting? Would you really trust people who hate you with your food? Do you really want yourself or any other black paying for this food and thus keeping the racist restaurant alive?
Its like the incident with the racist restaurant owner who had a KKK mannaquin in the restaurant and had "nigger" on the sign and much more.
If the dude wants to be racist, let him...
The best way to decide your battles is to measure how integral the incidents are to your life.
If you are being harassed at work, then you have a right to sue. If a teacher is shortchanging you by giving you a grade less than what you actually deserve because of your race, then you have a lawsuit. (my high school had a high school teacher who was both sexist and racist).
Its kind of like how gays send their kids to a Catholic school and "surprise!", they teach that the gay lifestyle is wrong and the gays get kicked out....its one thing to be discriminated against, but to go into something where you know you will not be liked is just asking for trouble.
Its better choose your battles instead of fighting every little issue. The more fights, protests and lawsuits you have about your social issue, the less support you end up having from the masses...why?
Because they start to feel that you are looking for trouble rather than actually be a victim of discrimination.
So measure the importance it has on your life. Would not getting service due to your race really affect your life in the long run? If no, then walk away.
Remember, as a general rule of thumb, never assume society is on your side. Never assume the court has a heart or has common sense...Always assume the court sides with the bad guys over the good guys.
Posted by myperspective08 at 2:03 PM 0 comments