Monday, June 28, 2010

Do I still care about my biracial identity??

At this point...I truly don't.

Yes I am biracial. And I will correct someone when need be...but, I just don't care as much.

I noticed I turned this blog more into my advocacy for blacks and less about being biracial.

I guess its because on one level there just isn't much to put about being biracial and truth be really isn't a big deal.

I realized its not my identity. Its part of who I am but its just not something that makes me different.

In the end, to society I will be black. So why bother parading around some stupid identity that honestly means nothing to anyone....not even to the person vocalizing it?

There is no united front about the issue and I certainly don't care about it. I can tell a person I only half black but at the end of the day I am 100% black to them and every stereotype they have for a black person is labelled on me.

So yeah, forget biracial identity. I don't care anymore.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Hilmer von Campe

Hilmer von Campe was a Hitler Youth. He wrote a book basically calling Obama the next hitler. It is obvious he hasn't learn from his hitler days since he supports the Republican Party which is the closest thing to Hitler, right down to the racism.

Guys like him are nutso. Why American allowed any Nazi Germany Germans into America is beyond me.

Hitler supporters, such as himself, should be banned from America.

Not much else to say about the racist extremist creepo.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

To all whites, blacks look the same

When police officers arrest a black person for some crime committed, the police officer almost never makes sure they are arresting the right person. As far as they are concerned, the suspect is black, and the man in their custody is black and to them that is a job well done.

We know and they know that the courts will view it the exact same way. Its not a matter of making sure you are getting the actual criminal, its a matter of putting blacks in jail.

To a white person, every single black looks alike. We have no varying hair colors. No varying eye colors. Yet oddly enough, white people could still confuse a light skinned black person and a dark skinned black person.

I find it ironic that whites are so busy just wanting to get any black person behind bars that they are not doing anyone any favors by putting the wrong black perosn behind bars. I mean, if the criminal is still loose, then that means more crimes to be committed are still ahead. Yet white people don't care. They just don't care.

When you are black, you are not allowed to have any individuality. White people would be all in a tiff if you were to treat them all the same way because of the actions of one white. Yet white people see no wrong in treating all black people as if we are all the same way.

I hate white people. I don't want to date them nor befriend them.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Obama's presidency = a new kind of racism

We have basically gone back into Jim Crow racism. Whites do not flinch at the idea of blacks suffering from their racism. Whites defend racism every chance they get. But what makes this racism different than Jim Crow is the fact that whites make themselves out to be victims while also being the perp.

Obama's presidency did bring out the racism in many. White supremacists had predicted it years before. They wanted a black man to win the presidency because they knew white people would start behaving like they did during Jim Crow. And they were right. They were absolutely correct.

I truly do believe we black people will suffer the same fate as the Jews did only worse.

White people are evil. They live for these kinds of things. They are predisposed to destruction and murder. Just look at history and all the horrible and terrible things white people have done.

A race war is going to happen...its just a question of when. I don't trust white people one bit.

Black people need to wake up and see the truth. White people are dangerous and cannot be trusted. They are Satan's people and do Satan's bidding.

What is more disturbing than a racist incident?

What can be more disturbing than a racist incident? How about a public reaction supporting said racist incident.

A month or so ago, a racist Harvard Law student by the name of Stephanie Grace sent an email out to her friends saying that black people were dumb. When I saw a picture of what the racist looked like...she looked like a dumb blonde.

Its scary that this girl will become a lawyer. Innocent people will be going to jail because of her.

But what she said wasn't nearly as disturbing as the many students that seemed to back her racist ideology.

One would think college students were educated...but these people prove that Redneck racism knows no socio-economic level, education, or age.

I remember when a racist incident happened at a college in my state...more students rallied around in support of the white racists and acting as if white people were the victim when it was white people committing the racist act.

Its more disturbing to see public support for a racist person and a racist act than the act itself because it just shows you how many racists there really are.

No black person in their right mind would trust a white person. I certainly don't.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The most awesome race related scene in the tv show ER

I was watching a season 7 episode online of ER where Benton is forced into running the ER because Romano wants to be an ass, Weaver is on her off day, and Greene is busy with a patient in an emergency helicopter.

Chaos ensues and eventually he calls in Weaver because things get out of control. Towards the end of the episode he goes into a black lady's room where she has been waiting for 3 hours. She seems like a kind old lady. She asks him if he is an intern and he replies that he is a physician. She replies with "your mother must be proud". As he is about to start asking her exactly what is wrong, she interrupts and in that old sweet lady voice she says she prefers a white doctor. Claiming she trusts them more cause she always had them.

Benton you can tell is very shocked, with him being a black man and this woman being black herself.

But his reply is the most awesomest and cool collected response I have ever seen on ER when pertaining to race issues.

His reply is "Sure, you can have a white will just have to wait another 3 hours".

Her face was surprised by that and I couldn't help but laugh and say "take that bitch!"

I hate it when old people use that "kind voice" to be manipulative, hateful, mean, condenscending and other wrongful behaviors.

But I like how instead of telling her that she is either going to have to put up with him or leave, he just calmly responds and gets his revenge by simply saying she will have to wait 3 more hours.

Of course this moment is short lived as when he leaves for his shift is over and meets up with Cleo, she gives him a hard time over the fact that he is using her as a sympathetic voice over the whole Romano problem that he has been having the last year or so. She stands up and leaves him angry that he never tries to be a sympathetic ear and voice for her problems.

On another note and completely off topic comment, I was kinda angry how Carter got blamed by a girl for telling her she was HIV postive. You see, the story goes like this: grandma comes in with her grandson. He doesn't know he is HIV positive, and grannie doesn't know he has been sexually active. She had been keeping the grandson's HIV positive status a secret from him. When Carter tells him the truth, he brings in his girlfriend, who turns out to be HIV positive as a result of their having sex. The two fight and leave. Later she is back because he got hit by a car while they were fighting. The girlfriend blames Carter for telling her she was HIV positive. But if its anyone's fault its the grandma for never telling the boy in the first place. Had he known, he never would have had sex with his girlfriend.

Sometimes you forget...

I remember watching some episodes of Season 15 of ER online and seeing that they replaced a black guy (Mekhi Pfifer) with a black woman (Angela Bassett). The show almost always seemed to replace a departing black person with another. When Benton left, Pratt came along (in the same season). In fact season 8 and 9 were peculiar in that 2 young black men were introduced (it seems like as every older character departed they almost were always replaced by younger characters). And then both those young black men (Pratt and Gallant) left, at different seasons. Pratt leaving in the first episode of the last season and being replaced by a black woman.

When I discovered they finally put a black woman as a doctor on the show, I thought to myself...FINALLY! But then I was like "why did they have to wait til the last season to do that?"

And then I decided to watch an earlier episode from the better years having not watched ER in over a year or two since I hadn't had the time. It was then I realized just how much I had totally forgot about two actresses: Gloria Reuben, who played Jeanie Boulet and Michael Michele (I am never going to be able to get past her name without flinching) who played Cleo Finch.

At different times during the first 8 seasons these two woman were the resident black female doctors and both were at different times in love with Peter Benton. Of course Michael Michele's character ends up marrying Benton.

Both Gloria and Michael Michele are biracial in real life. Which actually gives me a bigger connection to them than Bassett.

But I still see them as black too (while also being biracial). But its interesting how quickly you forget. I can't remember if Cleo ever had any daunting story lines like Jeanie and Cate Banfield (Bassett) did.

The Difference between Wiggers and whites born into gangsta/ghetto culture

Ghetto/Gangsta culture is not the black culture itself. It is a distinctive subculture of poor blacks. It is not a good culture and often tends to over shadow the real culture of black people (which is the polar opposite of the gangsta culture). Often, good black people who are anything but gangsta or ghetto (you can live in the ghettoes and not be ghetto just so you know) are dehumanized and stripped of their individuality. How many times have we all dealt with the racist white person that assumes we must be ghetto or gangsta for no other reason than stereotypes?

Anyways, I remember back in middle school when these white kids called this white boy a "Wigger". The teacher was like "what is that?" The kids said "a white kid that thinks he is black". It was insulting to black people by saying all blacks act a certain way that the gangsta subculture is the actual culture of black people. But at the same time, it was also a way to highlight the fact that no self respecting white or black person would be friends with a wigger.

A wigger is someone who is usually middle class and is surrounded by whites. He is either fascinated by rebelliousness or fascinated by what he thinks is a culture of an entirely different race. He basically stereotypes the black race as being ghetto and gangsta and behaves as such as he wants to be like them. As a result, whites think he is a loser and is annoying, and blacks don't like him because of his blantantly racist stereotypical attitude.

But are all white people like that, wiggers? Actually no. How can you tell if a white person is brought up in that subculture or is just a wannabe? It all hinges on friends and associations.

A white person brought up in that type of subculture usually has black friends and a tight in with them. He is usually given the "pass" on many things. The wigger on the other hand is a friend to no one and is just a walking talking offense that people wish would shut up and disappear.