Tuesday, March 30, 2010

English as the official language: Its about culture

I fully support deporting all Hispanics/Latin people back to Mexico or whatever is south of the border. I feel the American identity is slowly dying away.

When they say "Melting pot", it means different ethnic cultures assimilate. Not try painstakingly to be different from others.

I find seeing Spanish on everything below english, and having to press 1 for English to be offensive. Why are we babying Mexicans?

They call it racist, we Americans call it wanting to preserve the American culture which is basically english. No one is telling you what you have to do in the privacy of your own home.

I just don't like the direction America is taking. I myself am not too keen on multicultural stuff. I don't like the idea that one could be rejected a job for not speaking Spanish. What has happened to good old American values?

Those who came before us both Democrat and Republican alike would be ashamed at how America has sold its sole because its too PC to tell Mexicans to learn English and to stop babying them.

Deport the illegals and stop immigration for a while.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Forced Multiculturalism

To me, there is something unsettling about forced multiculturalism.

But first let me define what it is. Forced multiculturalism is when you go out of your way trying to "diversify" something. For example, lets say your church has been majority white for the last 100 years. Lets say that the those in charge of the church feel it would make their congregation look better and have even more respect if they were diverse. So they go looking for minorities. They try to make their church appealing and mask it up to be this diverse place. They are basically hunting and shopping for minorities.

Why is this so unsettling to me? Because the reality is, there is a reason that church has been white for 100 years!

When you have to go out of you way to diversify something, there is a good chance that that "something" isn't exactly accepting of minorities.

The church I used to go to was heavily white. When I was a little kid, I was one of maybe 2 or 3 other blacks. That was about as diverse as that church ever got.

When I went back there temporarily between 16 and 18, I found that the church had more black people then when I left (I was 9 when I left because my mom didn't have time to go to church anymore and I was a kid so I didn't want to go). The church is still mostly white, but it has definitely improved racially.

I don't know if the church became more multiracial due to hard campaigning or if it was because it is the only reasonable church, and is one of the biggest ones in the area.

But I have read stories where churches and other places tried to force multiculturalism on everyone. One way to make a white person more racist against minorities is when you force them into a multicultural situation when they don't want to be or are not ready to be.

You can't create acceptance when one party feels they are being forced to tolerate and accept something. It makes them feel victimized. There are basic racial codes we should all follow such as not harassing people or hurting them or doing wrong to them. But to force them to like different races or different cultures, is breeding them to be more racist.

That is why I don't feel comfortable in places where multiculturalism is forced. You can usually tell it was forced when you find yourself getting the cold treatment.

When multiculturalism happens on its own, it feels so much better. People are more tolerant and seem much more interested in knowing about different lifestyles and cultures. These are the people that don't seem to be phased by the idea of multiculturalism.

But in a church example, how could multiculturalism happen? Using my 100 year old white church example again, lets change the multicultural scenario. Lets say this time a black family moves into the area, and of the church options available, they find they like what that white church has to offer. They go to it and while they stand out and get stares, no one is too angry about it. Lets say that the black family recommends to others about this church and they come along. Slowly on its own, the church becomes more multicultural and the whites of that church warm up to the people much more because they don't feel imposed on.

Does it always work that way? No. Sometimes whites want their church to be white. They will often make it loud and clear.

But in places such as the south, one shouldn't be too surprised by white churches. Its pretty common there. Remnants of a racist past, plus the fact that white churches are in white areas (and whites make it clear they don't want black neighbors even if they are similar to each other). On top of that, white churches are very different from black churches.

I myself, only went to a white church growing up because of my white family.

But in the end, forced multiculturalism is not helpful to an already racially sensitive situation.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Mona Lisa Smile controversy

A few years ago when Mona Lisa Smile was in production, there was a controversy over the race of the extras used for the film.

The casting director stated she didn't want people who were "too tan" to be in the extras. This created an upset for non-whites.

The rationale behind this was that they were trying to match the racial demographic of the 1950s, not the current demographic of the 2000s.

But one problem noted was that Asians were being overrepresented seeing that there were only 3 of them enrolled in 1953. Yet blacks were underrepresented with only 1 black extra when there were 12 enrolled in 1953.

Obviously, the chances of coming across 12 black students throughout the movie would be unlikely.

But was this a controversy?

The casting director used a poor choice of words, but had a very good point. When you are doing something in relation to history, you can't just ignore the realities of that history to conform to our modern ideas and views.

Watch the movies A League of Their Own and Iron Jawed Angels. Both movies have very small brief scenes where it showed how black women were having to fight the racial struggle on top of the gender struggle.

The directors of both of these movies could have as easily left these parts out and pretended such problems never existed. But they both new that the truth was, there were racial problems in the fight for gender equality (and there are still problems).

Of course, this doesn't excuse the over-representation of Asians in the movie. Remember, having one minority group represented that isn't black, doesn't excuse not having black people. Minority groups are not the same.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Only blacks are against unity within its own race

I was reading a post about how its blacks fault that Koreans have so much control over the black hair industry.

The blogger was very correct in the assessment that blacks are not unified.

Blacks are so busy trying to wipe blackness out of the family line with interracial relationships, and hating on one another by living up and/or inaccurately applying stereotypes to each other, that its no surprise the black race has been such a failure.

As soon as we got through the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, blacks felt that it was better to just try to force whites to integrate and in a sense "live off of them" rather than do what Asians have done and that is try to make your own equivalent things and become a smart and self supporting race.

I mean, we were on the right track until MLK was assasinated. I think we are so busy feeling as if we should be paid for all the racism we have suffered from that we are basically handing whites and other minorities the keys to controlling and dominating our lives more. News flash blacks, whites are never going to pay us what they owe us, they are never going to make the racism they did to us right.

We may be "integrated", but we aren't helping ourselves by letting whites and asians have control over our way of life. I mean, no one but our own race can stop the gangs, drive by shootings, violence and other ghettoness that is destroying the black race.

In my philosophy class, the black girl next to me, basically went off on our Russian teacher. The teacher was saying that it wasn't really the students' fault that inner city schools are in the condition they are in, but the black girl who happened to attend an inner city school made it blatantly clear that she does believe its the students fault. She had alot of emotion and passion in saying that students today just don't take care of their schools. We all basically agreed with her, but the teacher was still leaning towards it being the fault others.

We are not valuing education. Bill Cosby was right when he criticized Ebonics and furthermore would criticize blacks who would rush to the defense of a black person in trouble with the law who was clearly guilty. It does make you stop and think, why are we defending trash? Its one thing if they are innocent and are not being treated properly but why is it we seem to "come together" when its a black person being persecuted for violence? Why aren't we coming together to clean up the streets and rid it of gangs and violence? Why aren't we coming together to ensure blacks get a proper education and go off to college and try to serve the black community?

I mean, blacks were in a frenzy a year or two back when Obama dared say what we were all thinking...and thats how black men need to step up and take responsibility and be dads. Sure there are blacks that do, but many including mine and my sister's (different dads) don't.

We are so bent on getting upset over the truth that our inaction as a race is further making it harder for our race than it has to be. I guess its easier to deny the reality of the situation than it is to stand up and try to fix the problem.

I mean doesn't anyone else notice that the one race with little to no true unity, is the one race that is further behind everyone else?

When are we going to take the reigns back from white people?

14th Amendment-Perfect Example of what happens when poor language leaves the door open to misuse

In 2007 racist whites managed to overturn a policy that would help minorities. They claimed their 14th amendment "rights" were being infringed upon.

The thing is, the 14th Amendment does not apply to white. It applies to people of color. Because the people making the law used poor language in specifying this, whites have managed to misuse something that was meant to help blacks who actually are victims of racism.

Whats the point of having laws prohibiting something, if the majority turn around and abuse and misuse the laws meant to protect you?

I mean, look at the 19th Amendment...that only applies to women, it doesn't apply to men at all.

We have 5 justices on the Supreme Court who support racism against blacks, and have been voting horribly. One of them is black, but I do not consider him black, since he is nothing more than a traitor to blacks. He wants to be white, so he does what white people want him to do, even if it hurts the rest of us. He is like my sister, someone who just loves racism and will justify racism against blacks until the day the die.

These 5 don't deserve to be on there for life, they need to retire now so we can replace them with real judges. As long as conservatives have power, its better to just hand America over to our enemies, they can't possibly do worse than conservatives.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Is it sometimes better to focus on one social issue at a time?

Movies like A League of Their Own and Iron Jawed Angels each have small little scenes which show that while women are breaking down women are still suffering because of racial barriers.

In Iron Jawed Angels, Alice tells the black woman that they need every vote they can, and it would only be harder if they were fighting a problem that was worse than gender discrimination.

It was the same thing the WASPs (women flying planes during WWII) said about excluding blacks (although the hypocrisy in that was they allowed other non-whites).

It is a hard question to answer. Is it better to focus on one social issue at at time? Remember, black men got the right to vote after the Civil War...even though that isn't saying much since whites made sure they could not vote.

If women secured the right to vote, that meant by default black women could too (yet again, only in theory since it wouldn't be until the Votings Right Act in the 1960s that would abolish poll taxes, tests, and threats/harassment at the voting place).

Alice does have a point, by fighting basically 2 issues at the same time, it makes it much more harder to accomplish your goals.

When you look at black women, there is a reason most of them will speak and talk more about racism than sexism...we feel we are fighting a harder battle with racism. Have, I myself, a woman dealt with sexism? Yes. My most recent experience was in a cab, the driver (an unapologetic conservative who doesn't mind bad mouthing everything and everyone, especially women) wouldn't listen to me or my mom when we told him he was turning the card the wrong way.

It is much more easier to change peoples attitudes about gender than it is about race.

I guess when you focus on too many issues at once, its harder to put all your energy and resources into it and get the results you want. Not to mention, most in the North and the South, were segregationists...race would give them any easy way to denounce the fight. On top of that, its white women, why would they care about an entirely different social issue?

What about black women who deal with being both black and female? Like I said, there is a reason most black women will focus on one of the two issues much more than the other. Its very hard to fight two battles, even though we are living examples of people who have to deal with both issues all the time.

I remember when the Anthony Sowell case was happening a few months back, a white woman said on the news that this is an example of the police treating women badly for being me it was more of a racial one, although it much more easier to get people to listen instead of denounce what you have to say when it is about sexism rather than racism.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Sometimes its easier to advocate quietly, nor never take sides

I was watching an ad by Shaquille O'Neal, it was your typical "guy being scared of being hit on by another guy" kind of bit...nothing we haven't seen before.

Well, because of that ad he was called homophobic. The ad was about sports of course. But anyways...

The irony is that he said a long while back that he had no problems with playing b-ball with gay guys and whatnot.

It made me think about how some people will advocate for a cause that would never affect them. Such as straight people advocating for gays, or whites advocating for blacks.

Obviously the minority race would need someone of the majority to help them get heard because the majority tunes out the minority.

But sometimes you can see why some in the majority shy away from advocating for something that doesn't affect them.

1. They know they could never truly understand so they feel they have no right to speak for something that doesn't affect them.

but most of all is

2. No one wants to advocate on behalf of an oppressed group, only for that oppressed group to immediately turn on them due to misperceptions about an action or word.

I used to support gay rights, albeit quietly. But when I kept dealing with snotty gays and worse, racist gays, I just stopped supporting them. It wouldn't bother me if they got marriage rights or not.

But when you advocate on behalf of the oppressed and they turn on you quickly, you realize that you and them are fighting different causes. You are trying to fight for their rights, and they are just trying to find problems every where even ones that may not be existent.

You have to be careful about vocally being an advocate for something that does not really affect you much because the oppressed group is never going to have a full alliance with you and will eventually turn on you at the first mishap.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Illegal Immigration

Probably my most conservative view is illegal immigration. Normally I am a moderate to liberal, but when it comes to immigration, I can't stand the liberal view on it. I hate the Liberal view of illegal immigration so much that I wish the moderate and conservative Democrats would kick the liberals out of the democrat party or would split and section off from them.

I staunchly support English as the official language of the USA. When you move to another country to live there, it is one's best interest to learn the language of that culture.

My university has alot of Indian, Middle Eastern, Asian, and African students, and even though they speak their home language to each other, they have been learning English or know English very well.

The class that occupies the room before my math class is a class for students to learn English.

All that money that goes into making Spanish versions of everything could go towards making English learning classes (to be required) for those applying for citizenship.

Its not like we are asking you to give up your culture. Last week, Asians dedicated a different day to Asian cultures, such as Korean Night, Chinese Night, and Japan Night.

No one is taking your language away, we are basically just saying, that we don't want to go out of our way to make you our country like your country. When you decide to make America your home, you should be wanting to give up your allegience to that other country, not trying to make Americans give up theirs.

I personally think we should put or resources into fixing Mexico rather than fixing Iraq. We are domestically affected more by illegal immigration when it comes to our economy.

I once watched a video of a man who had a jar of gumballs. 1 gumball represented a million people. The US ignores that illegal million when it comes into our country...the amount of illegal and legal millions we let in falsely thinking it helps the situation turns out to be of little help.

I do think we as humans have a duty to help humans...but we also have to remember that we can't possibly help other countries when we are in trouble...and even more, we can't help other countries when they refuse to address their own problems that keep causing us to have to help them.

So far, by allowing the immigration problems we have right now, we are basically letting them bring their problems to America.

Look at the vicious gangs they have? Blacks have found themselves doing the very thing Whites did to them(and still do) and that is flight.

I know many illegal immigration supporters use the argument of the great immigration of the late 1800s and early 1900s where many particularly Irish, immigrated to the USA.

But the policy of that era and before it was largely more open policy. We are not the same people with the same policy today in 2010. You really can't use that argument because you comparing different time periods with different policies.

Tea baggers strike again

The Tea Party is the new KKK.

They have made racist pictures of Obama, even going as far as lynching him.

They recently hurled racial slurs at Rep. Lewis.

And they even directed their hate at a man with Parkinson's Disease.

What the hell is wrong with these rednecks?

Obviously they have no education when the first things they can think of in terms of is the word "nigger".

What is even more sickening is that these hateful creeps go to church the next day pretending to be Christian. I hope God is looking down and shaking his head at these Pharisees.

These Tea baggers remind me of why I am so proud to be a Democrat. I could never be what those people are supposed to be.

Someone needs to make a counter group that is full of love and not hate.

The reason we Liberals are so intolerant of conservatives is that we refuse to be tolerant of the intolerant.

The Tea Baggers clearly show they are intolerant as do all the other conservatives.

Yahoo Answers: White Supremacist website

The website is nothing more than trolls...its full of racism, pro-atheism, and any other kind of ism you can think of.

Its a hateful site.

The original purpose of the website was for people to ask questions and get answers...but now its damn near impossible to get an actual answer to a question.

I decided to look up questions pertaining to Irish people getting upset over Americans calling themselves Irish. One person had a very good question, it had no offenses, it was pure curiosity in the calmest manner.

How do the answerers respond? They accuse the asker of being angry even though the only person with the attitude is the answerers, not the asker. On top of it, they answered with a question rather than with an answer. Instead of actually thinking about the question they just bitched at the asker. Worse of all, none of the answerers were Irish, so the few that even tried to answer the question were giving an American perspective on it so basically the question never did get answered. Yahoo Answers is not limited to the US either.

Its like a circus full of idiots.

I remember there being a site like that for Hotmail users, it was called QnA. It too was a trashy website full of trolls, this time it was disgusting conservative racists and ignorant losers.

Thankfully that site got shut down.

You would think Yahoo Answers would follow the same death since its nothing but crap.

When it became "cool" to be Irish

When the Irish were allowed to be white and have white privlege they basically forgot all about the struggles they had and relished in their new found glory.

On top of that things began to change in the last few decades itself. It was no longer a mark of shame to be Irish. But now it is seen as cool. St. Patrick's Day proves that.

Besides, how often have we all made mention of our Irish blood?

I have it and almost every person I have ever known has it.

Its one thing to want to know about your bloodline and your heritage...but its another thing to claim you are Irish when you are not.

Unlike most countries, only in America do you see born and bred Americans divide themselves off by calling themselves Irish American.

The Irish are probably laughing at Americans. Americans seem to have this glory for being something that they themselves are not. Very few know of Irish history, let alone actually have been to Ireland. I wouldn't be surprised if most peoples' story is that the last family member from Ireland was 100 years ago.

No European wants to be connected to Americans if they don't have to be.

Some have exclaimed they are European! So they should say they are Irish American...but if one is European, that is basically saying there is no such thing as being American.

So it does bring up the question....should we be divided by ethnic descent or should we be united by nationality?

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Africans are no better than African Americans

Africans hate Black Americans. Africans fall victim to believing stereotypes. They do not have the heartless and hateful history that Black Americans have to live with by being American.

Many Africans have been infiltrating America and other Western countries. And the thing is, no one likes it.

Africans, like other minorities benefit off the hard work black Americans did to secure some rights for minorities. Yet they hate the very people that made life for them easier.

I knew an African girl who spoke French. She was stuck up and a horrible horrible person. I was so glad when I found out she moved my last year of high school.

I don't like the idea of allowing immigrants who have hateful natures such as the Africans into our country. That just creates a greater divide.

Africans think they are somehow better than the rest of us blacks, but racists will hate them too. Their being from Africa will save them no more than my being American in Italy or Spain (in otherwords, it won't save any of us).

If anything, their isolationist attitude will make it harder for them to fight racism. Why would we want to unite with self hating and black hating people? Why would we want to help out an enemy?

I don't even want to call myself "African American" sometimes because I want no relation to Africans who are so stuck up towards black Americans.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Visiting other cultures isn't need to emmerse!

Many will state that in order to have a better understanding of the cultures around you, you need to visit those countries.

But just visiting those countries isn't enough to show you how small of a world you live in.

One needs to emmerse themselves into those cultures.

Eat their foods, try out their traditions, learn some of their language, wear their clothes, and basically live and be like the people of that culture.

Anyone can visit another country and observe a culture from a stand-offish experience. But that won't give them a real understanding. That will on make them feel as though they are savages, barbaric or behind everyone else. It gives you a sense of superiority because you aren't experiencing their culture and why they prefer to keep their culture rather than fully be Westernized.

Its like how you will have thousands comment about the politics of other countries from the perspective of American politics being the "correct" way only.

If people emmersed themselves into other countries and experienced life in the shoes of others, I find it harder to believe that people could be so hateful.

Its like when you look at an image of the Earth from near the moon (the famous Apollo images), you can't believe there is so much hate and turmoil on that earth when its so small in the grand scheme of things.

A different culture is always going to remain primative to you as long as you don't fully experience the culture.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Mr. Mrs. Ms.

3 prefixes to a name most of us today wouldn't give much thought to.

I have read stories where a black person from the 60s would have this undescrible look on their face when a white would say something rare such as "Mr." "Mrs." or "Miss" (and "thank you" also).

I cringe at being called "Miss", considering I am only 20, it makes me feel as if I am old. I remember when I was shadowing a teacher, I was basically forced to be called "Miss [insert]" because that is the only way to get students to respect you.

Back then, blacks were called by their first name (or some half cocked nickname) because whites did not want to give blacks any respect. Saying "Mr. Mrs. or Miss" is a sign of respect.

Sometimes when I hear a white refer to Obama as "Barry", I can't help but get that feeling of disrespect.

I think I would have wanted to be called "Miss" back then, since it meant something. But just makes me feel old.

Small town hospitality?

If you ask a white person...they will more than likely have a lot of positive things to say about small towns. One thing whites love to throw around is "hospitality".

Naturally they will see these white-erm, I mean-small towns as wonderful.

But if you are black, its a different story.

I am frightened by small towns. I don't like places where everyone knows you and your business. I don't like being in a place where its 90% white. Chances are its a KKK town, or once was.

I don't think small town hospitality least if you are a black person.

The irony in its "illegal" to fine people for hiring or renting to illegals

I hate our passive approach to illegals.

Some towns have wanted to do what the government has failed to do. And that is crack down on it.

Some towns are in ruin. American citizens suffer at the hands of illegals.

How is it illegal for fining people hire or rent to illegals?

You really can't talk about what is "illegal" when you passively allow illegals to stay instead of deporting them.

Why is it an American would go to jail for breaking the law but illegals who are breaking the law by being here are treated better than Americans?


Its only a matter of time before America becomes Amexica.

Traveling without fear of race problems

Its another white be able to travel without fear of mistreatmen due to race.

I remember a few months back, a girl driving the car stopped at a gas station in a KKK town. I was scared to death. I got a dirty stare by a white man.

I hate small towns...I don't trust them.

We minorities don't get the experience of feeling free when we travel. Its sometimes very scary...all we are doing is the regular American tourism thing, and we get profiled or harassed.

Its no fun.

White Liberal racism vs. White Conservative racism

Republicans tend to be more racist in a overt way. There is a reason many of us tend to refer to the Republican Party as the Party for Whites.

Liberals on the other hand have a more devious type of racism. Theirs fall in the "I pretend to care for your cause but really I see you as the stereotype".

Liberals pretend to be the "hero" and the "champion" for blacks...but notice how the black race has declined in the last 40 years?

Sure, we can't vote republican since the republicans would rather see our demise...but the liberals haven't done anything worthy for us since the 1960s. And those people back in the 1960s were hardly liberal in the same way we have liberals today.

Its one of those "lesser evils" issues again. Who is the better choice? One who is fully against you or one who parades around claiming to be on your behalf but deep down sees you as nothing more than a poster child for ghettoism even if you aren't.

Either way neither side benefit us.

All we can really do is stop the rap and sports influence and get rid of gangs and get our race back to how it behaved in the 1950s.

Cause in the end, whites-liberal or conservative-do not care for us.

Negro on the 2010 Census

So yesterday through another blog I found out about Negro being on the 2010 census. The options were "Black, African American, and Negro".

Today an older black woman in my poli sci discussion class made a case out of it. She kept repeating "This is 2010 not 1910". I responded by saying "maybe it was directed at very old people". Our discussion teacher (who has some black in herself) was shocked by the government's lapse in judgement.

The whites in the class didn't say anything nor seemed to care.

I was kind of passive to this.

Should "negro" be there? No. They claim its there to encompass what "African American" doesn't....but isn't that the point of "black"? Which is clearly an option on there with "african american"?

I mean, would people today even know what classifies someone as "negro"? Which was "black" 40 years ago.

As long as "nigger" isn't on there...I am not upset.

Some claim that "negro" is for spanish speaking blacks...but there isn't alot of them around and the few that are around probably would check something else. On top of that, this brings up an entirely new issue...why the heck do we have to be so damn conforming to the spanish speaking people? Learn English or leave America!

Most whites seem to be more up in arms about "African American"(for no reason other than to be ignorant of history) rather than "Negro" which is an actual outdated term no longer used.

I mean, the only people who use "Negro" in AMERICA (an English speaking country), are old people who don't want to change and racist young people who obviously use it as a way to be disrespectful.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Does interracial dating mean the white person is not racist?

Most of us assume that if a white person is with a black person, they must not be racist.

My mom is your typical white racist in that she refuses to see the troubles blacks suffer because of whites.

I was looking at a website that is supposed to be about "afroromance" between blacks and whites, and on that blog, someone posted a study showing whites seem more racist when they avoid the obvious (such as skin color).

These so called interracial dating whites did not hold back in their racism against blacs. Only ONE white person got it in the end and actually called out the racist whites.

When I saw Something New a few years ago, the white character was fed up with dealing with the black girl's race experience.

Well, when you, the white person decide to be with a person of basically need to see yourself as a nonwhite or things will never work.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Choose your battles wisely

Why do people say its a bad idea to fight every battle?

Because, the more you fight, the less people will believe that you had something to fight start to look more like the bully and less like the victim.

Not to mention the unnecessary troubles you will find yourself in.

For instance, if a restaurant does not want to serve could sue them, or better yet, get up and leave. Ask yourself, is it really worth fighting? Would you really trust people who hate you with your food? Do you really want yourself or any other black paying for this food and thus keeping the racist restaurant alive?

Its like the incident with the racist restaurant owner who had a KKK mannaquin in the restaurant and had "nigger" on the sign and much more.

If the dude wants to be racist, let him...

The best way to decide your battles is to measure how integral the incidents are to your life.

If you are being harassed at work, then you have a right to sue. If a teacher is shortchanging you by giving you a grade less than what you actually deserve because of your race, then you have a lawsuit. (my high school had a high school teacher who was both sexist and racist).

Its kind of like how gays send their kids to a Catholic school and "surprise!", they teach that the gay lifestyle is wrong and the gays get kicked out....its one thing to be discriminated against, but to go into something where you know you will not be liked is just asking for trouble.

Its better choose your battles instead of fighting every little issue. The more fights, protests and lawsuits you have about your social issue, the less support you end up having from the masses...why?

Because they start to feel that you are looking for trouble rather than actually be a victim of discrimination.

So measure the importance it has on your life. Would not getting service due to your race really affect your life in the long run? If no, then walk away.

Remember, as a general rule of thumb, never assume society is on your side. Never assume the court has a heart or has common sense...Always assume the court sides with the bad guys over the good guys.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Exit Exams

I think my high school brought in an exit exam instead of doing MAP tests...I am not sure as when I graduated in 2008, I didn't have to do any of that. But at that time they started bringing in tests for freshman to prepare for the ACT and other stuff, so who knows.

There has been issues around the country about such exams as being biased against minorities. Personally I prefer an exit exam over a state mandated MAP test which is biased in an even more uncontrollable way. At least you can prepare a minority for a test, but you can't control how a teacher teaches you.

My problem with standardized testing is that it doesn't fix the gap (I don't like No Child Left Behind), schools lose accredidation and the cycle never ends because they no longer have the funding to improve the bad conditions that keep it bad. On top of that, different schools have different results when it comes to teaching.

In my history classes we never got past the World Wars...but in some schools they have managed to get up to Vietnam, heck its like that in some classes within in one school itself.

With exit exams, one can focus more directly on the needs of the school alone and not focus in as a state. That is if the exit exams are made by the school, in some cases they may not be, which then defeats the point.

But, when it comes to the gaps and level of complexity in these types of exams when it comes to minorities should alarm parents, schools, and the student themselves that something has to change.

Should we get rid of the tests? Should they be made easier? No and no. Making them easier defeats the whole point...getting rid of them won't solve anything.

I think schools should offer programs to help students, it should be required and funded by the state so that every school can have one. Parents need to be trying to find a way to help their kids.

In a rare moment, I actually have to agree with the republicants for once. If we keep making things too easy, then how will it ever instill in anyone to actually study?

Yes, I know how it feels to study for hours on a test, and do worse than you did on the test you studied less for. I know how it feels to get an F, but I also know how it feels to get an A, and in some cases an A+.

I hate studying, and I hate working hard. If I didn't have to, I wouldn't. I don't put in nearly as much of an effort as I could but I still put in an effort.

The problem with the black community is that its got its prioritys out of alignment. Yes, living conditions are bad, but instead of letting gangs, rap, and sex and other bad things have such a strong influence on blacks, why not instill libraries, boy scouts, reading and writing and studying hard?

I don't consider myself smart but I don't consider myself stupid either. I graduated high school with lots of honors and a 3.7 cumulative GPA because I worked hard in my classes (or most of them anyways), I was the overachiever that people hated because I got upset over having less than the best grade based on the complexity or simplicity of the class.

Sure, even though I grew up poor and in a single parent household, I still had it better than some out there. But I do think that the fact that the gap is so wide or that minorities can't pass a test should make parents want to do something about that, as in helping their kids.

We aren't helping our race by wanting to get rid of the test rather than fix the problem that makes us feel we would need to get rid of that test.

Its like with anti-abortion people. They want to get rid of abortion, yet they don't want to support healthcare or work on poverty which are the main reasons abortion is so high in the first place.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Joseph C. Phillips is a total JERK!!!!

So I was playing around on Wikipedia when I came across Joseph Phillip's (he played Denise's husband on The Cosby Show) page. It said he was a Republican and had his own website. So I decided to check it out.

I was looking at his Frequently Asked Questions page to see the kind of things he had to say. He is so mean to those who ask him questions! Why bother letting people ask you questions if you are going to talk down to them in a condencending way?

In one question he insults a 59 year old black woman and her husband by calling them "tone deaf". In another question where someone asked what conservative views make him vote Republican, he gave a jackass answer as if he couldn't make sense of the question.

He puts things so coldly and overly blunt, one person said that he was glad he was a stick around father and wanted to know more about his family life. Joseph replies back saying "if you had read my column etc" and on top of that tries to drive in the whole sales part about buying one of his books.

On top of that he sounds one question a person told him how they liked him in a film, and wanted to know if it was a sequel. He responds back saying if only those who like it now liked it then...and oh well. No sequel. No wonder his Hollywood career is stagnant, he is a jerk, bad actor, and just flat out bitter.

On top of that he has that "I said it, therefore it must be correct" attitude.

The fact that he was the most good looking person on The Cosby Show should have been an indicator that not only was he a Republican but was also a Number 1 Jerk off.

Dude should hand in his black card and just call himself white at this point.

About the only thing I could agree with him on is the fact that the good black men out there aren't getting enough recognition because of the damage by the bad black men.

Its one thing to target gangstas but all blacks?

As we blacks like to put it, there is a difference between a black person and a "nigger" (or "nigga" or gangsta).

We normal blacks dress like normal people, like the same things as normal people and are looking for the same things as normal people.

Gangstas on the otherhand wear sagging pants, talk in ebonics, are loud, and disrespectful, and sometimes worse.

Its one thing to be weary of people like that, but to attribute ghettoness to any black for simply being black is unfair, and that is where blacks get upset with white people at. Whites are incapable of seeing blacks as individuals. If a black boy who listens to rap, dresses like a gangsta and speaks ebonics does something stupid, all of a sudden whites feel justifed to treat the black girl who listens to rock and pop, wears cute preppy clothes, and speaks perfect english as if she is a thug. What is the girl guilty of? Being black.

My philosophy teacher hates me...she is from Russia (a country that has become known nowdays as a racist Hitler nation), I do my work (at least so far I have been graded fairly, so I don't care if she hates me as long as she doesn't grade me based on her hatred of me), I try to participate in class but she ignores me. I am not sure if its because of my race since I haven't done anything else to warrent her hatred of me other than saying that I hope the class becomes qualifed so I can get my humanities credit, just like the rest of the people in that class.

I wouldn't be surprised if she hated me based on my race because there is this black girl in my class who shows up late, is often loud when she enters. And often causes other disruptions although she does her school work and does participate in class.

Yesterday she showed up late, made loud noises, had to leave class to go get her take-home quiz and then when she came back and turned it in she said "i have to go to the bathroom"...

If the teacher is basing her hatred of me simply on her behavior then thats not fair since I am the polar opposite, I am usually the first in class (in fact I tend to arrive before the class previous to ours is even out), I have my work on me, and I don't get up and go to the bathroom during class...

But I don't think she hates me due to race...because she isn't bitchy to the other black kids in the class...

But in the end, its not fair regardless to punish everyone because of a bunch of gangsta wannabes. Its one thing to treat someone who wears sagging pants and gold teeth with disrespect. But to treat the rest of us in contempt?

The Street crossing routine

The street crossing routine is when a white person and a black person are walking on the same side walk, both going in opposite directions. The white person will cross the street when they see the black person regardless of how the black person looks.

Sure there are situations when the white person really does have to cross the street. And then there are times when the white person may not cross the street as they may not perceive you as a threat (or they may feel they could take you).

Most of the time this typically happens when you are either a black male, or are in a group of black people.

If a person really wanted to rob you or beat you, all they would have to do is cross the street and follow you.

I personally get freaked out more by those behind me rather than in front.

I remember when I was 16 (or 15 I forget), I was walking to our school's annual Orange and Black day which happens in the first week of school. There was this white dude with a beard who was walking behind me for God knows how long, and it freaked the hell out of me. That kind of thing scared me so much that I called my mom and asked her to pick me up when I was ready to leave the event.

Sure my fear probably hinged on a stereotype too, it was the fear of me being a young girl and him being a man.

The thing to realize about terrorism

The last couple of terror stories I have read about or heard about have made me notice something (something obvious to the tolerant but not so much to the intolerant).

What does the black dude who tried to blow up a plane, a white dude who had been training as a terrorist, a white woman who wanted to kill a Swedish cartoonist, and a middle eastern (but born in America) student all have in common?

All of them went under the radar of terrorism. None of them would be suspected of terrorism at first glance because they had none of the markings on the outside that would say "terrorist".

Of course now with the black guy, white America will assume if you are black you are a terrorist. But they probably won't do the same for the whites.

Terrorists are finding ways to use American idiocy against Americans. They know you can dismantle a country with racism...they realize that Americans are so busy judging people's character and life on stereotypes that most would never think that the white woman with a child and a grocery cart could be an undercover terrorist.

American stupidity at its best.

This shows you the reason stereotypes are bad. Its like with shoplifting, blacks are detained more yet whites commit it more. But this doesn't stop the stereotype. This is why I do not feel sorry for businesses because they are so busy going off of stereotypes that they are being robbed under their nose...they deserve it at that rate since the don't seem to really care.

People think that stereotypes help ultimately...but do they really? Terrorists can figure out the stereotype and just as easily go under the radar once they know it. If anything, America is handing a win to the enemy!

How can you not support an equal pay amendment?

So one of our senators a while back had voted "no" on the idea of equal pay. He is a republican, and all republicans voted no.

How can anyone who has common sense vote no?

This is another example of white privelege, it causes you to fail to see why equal pay is important.

The benefit to being black is that we have the ability to see things realistically and how it affects everyone. Whites have never been in a position where they could ever see how it affects everyone cause they are in the majority and have never had to struggle in life.

The best way to put why equal pay is important is like this:

You are working a hard job, you put your all into it. You get paid 20 dollars an hour for it. Someone else does the same job as you and puts in the same effort or less and gets paid 30 dollars for it.

Would that upset you?

This updated amendment to a past amendment about this issue would include everything from religion, race, gender, disability and age....

Its so easy when you are part of the majority, white male Christian, able bodied and in your 30s to vote "no" because it would put you at the disadvantage. You would actually have to work hard and compete with others.

But remember the wheel. Its always turning, its only a matter of time before you are the one getting the sucky end of the deal and the 10 dollars less in a job that someone else is doing.

The racism in saying "why do blacks cry racism?"

When whites bitch about blacks "crying racism", the white person reveals their own ignorance and racism.

Only a racist would disregard a racist situation and complain about an entire race.

Whites really don't know how easy they have it due to being can only hope that one day they get to fully experience what blacks went through, today and in the past. It isn't pretty.

Whites claim that blacks get easily offended, but the reality is that whites tend to get more offended more over supposed black offense.

1. They expect blacks to remain content with their racism since its not "legal" racism.
2. The media tries to make whites think blacks do nothing but complain about racism...since whites refuse to have friends who are black or actually know blacks, or pretend they don't see blacks, they find it hard to believe that blacks are hard working people who are doing their jobs and trying to make a happy life for themselves like everyone else.
3. Its just too easy to blame blacks for the world's problems. That is why whites do not want to stop their racism and instead justify it.
4. Whites only care about racism when its whites that are the "victims".

Whites don't realize how racist they are when they say that blacks complain about racism too much. Whites have a victim mentality where they feel that blacks being treated as exact equals to whites will cause the whites to actually have to work hard for things. They don't want to lose their privelege.

Hopefully one day, karma will bite white people in the ass.

Monday, March 8, 2010

What it ultimately comes down to with Avatar

Okay this is my last post on Avatar...for now at least.

What this movie comes down to racially is a white guy and his view and experience of other cultures different from his own.

That basically is emulating Cameron himself, who, as a white man can only look at the world from the lens of a white person.

Sure, Cameron had to live up to the White savior stereotype with this movie, but if you think about it, Cameron can never be an expert on what it truly is like to be a person of color in America. He could hire all the people he needed to get insight. He could have gone to the people themselves and asked if he was spot on, but he would have missed the essence. The movie would have still been told from the view of the white person looking in.

Maybe that is why he made the movie from the perspective of a white dude looking into the world of these aliens...because he could at least "experience" that.

We often as minorities say we hate it when whites speak for us, or worse act as if they can understand our plight. We all know better because of their white privledge. So should we be upset that Cameron is using his own perspective as a white guy looking in as the basis of this movie rather than from the perspective of the Navi (aka the racial minority)?

So that leaves one to ask the question, should Cameron have even attempted this movie at all, considering there are so many movies already out there just like it?

Why I am not sympathetic to gay rights

1. gays have shown to be racist
2. gays have shown to be very stuck up and hateful and snobby
3. i don't like flamboyance
4. then there is the Bible (which really isn't a driving factor to me)
5. My ultimate reason, why should I help others get the right to marry when I can't marry because I am a girl of color who tends to like white guys more (and Asians too) and neither are attracted to black/biracial girls. If I can suffer celibacy (well I don't believe in premarital sex, but the liklihood of me marrying is slim to none, I honestly don't see it happening, and sometimes people remind me of why I should be glad to be single), and being a spinster/old maid (yeah yeah yeah I know I know, I am only 20 but still), then surely they can deal with their situation.

Is segregation natural?

Was the idea of integration just a pointless dream that would end up being all for naught?

Integration only happened because whites failed to live up to their end of the bargain when it came to separate but equal facilities. Had the fountains been equally as cold, had the quality of everything for blacks have been just as good as whites, then blacks would not have had any problems with segregation.

Maybe the thing that goes wrong with segregation is that one group tries to be superior and oppress everyone and thus kind of ruins the concept of segregation and in a way causes their own demise sort of with the introduction of integretion but...

When you look at society today, it is still segregated...people willingly segregate themselves. Yes I have seen blacks and whites say "hey" to one another, tolerate each other, and managed to be peaceful to each other, at least to the face. But in the end, each person seems to be more closer to the people who are their race.

I have experienced it for myself, being raised white by my white mom caused me to have this "natural" inclination to the white side, and it was always hard for me to understand why I was never truly accepted as a "member" of the group. I have heard several excuses, but what it comes down to is that I am one of few minorities they seemed to have any contact with...I was the token friend they would use as their excuse to justify their racism to everyone.

I didn't become racially aware until about a year ago (through the most unexpected of ways).

You may be asking where would a biracial person fit in the world of segregation? Sure, by default we are black, but having a white parent kind of makes it a little harder to see ourselves as black.

There is a reason us mulattoes often are loners or "tragic", we long to fully fit in one of the two worlds but can't...we are both worlds, worlds that can't get along at all.

I think segregation is natural, in every form possible, from race, to gender, to people who share like ideals. We want to be around like minded people. Why? Because we want peace. We want as few problems possible, when you bring in someone who is different, you potentially bring in someone who will cause a disruption, who will shake your world.

Although, a good argument against this lifestyle, I actually have gotten straight from the Bible...

Proverbs 12:15 Fools think their own way is right, but the wise listen to others. (NLT)

The downside to being around those who are look like you, talk like you, act like you, and like the same things as you, is that it makes you unwelcome to difference, to the point that people have to feel like segregation is better and the natural order of things. When we deprive ourselves of differences of opinion, lifestyle, and culture, its hard to be welcoming then because we have trapped ourselves.

Its just like with trying to make an orderly and predictable does us more harm because it unprepares us for the unpredictable and it stresses us out and throws us into pandamonium when unpredictability disrupts the fabric of our predictable lifestyle.

So is segregation in the end, natural? Well, it is if we keep it that way, if we stay intent on living in a lifestyle that is unwelcoming to differences of any sort. But if we open ourselves up to everything, in a couple of generations, people would feel segregation is unnatural...but of course this leaves 2 questions that really can't be answered right now:

1. What is the fine line in being open to differences (are there some things that we have to find unacceptable to our standards?)
2. Is segregation actually natural because in times of war or great suffering people have shown to distrust those different from them? Especially when propaganda convinces them so. Or better yet, would suffering and war unravel any openess to differences thus proving that man naturally segregates and prefers like mindedness and no matter how much integretion and openess one has over time, segregation will ultimately trump it?

Are stereotypes needed for good story lines?

I was reading a Native American's take on Avatar.

She was talking about a book that talked about how society needed to save the environment, it stereotyped Natives in the book (the book is called Brother Eagle, Sister Sky).

It made me think about all the movies which have Native Americans, they always seemed to be stereotyped in the old fashioned 1800s type Indians.

Some movies have relied on stereotypes to try to get a message out such as tolerance. Almost always when you see a black in a movie that is pre-1980s, its always addressing a social justice issue. When you see black movies of today, or movies with a central white character and minority cast, they seem to almost always address life in the ghetto, as if all blacks live in the ghetto.

And then you look at Avatar (yes I am bringing it up yet again), which Cameron states is supposed to be about tolerance, but uses stereotypes to try and get its message across (which obviously whites have failed to get as they are still intolerant as ever if not more).

But it makes one wonder, does society need stereotypes to function? Its almost impossible not to stereotype someone in some shape or form...I've been stereotyped as a scaredy cat (which I am!), a girly girl, a tomboy, and then there are the black stereotypes even though I am probably far removed from actually being those stereotypes (but thats the point of them, they exist to strip you of your humanity and to judge you without getting to know you). I have even suffered the "typical American" stereotype which really bugs me as that is a white American stereotype but gets slapped on to us people of color who shouldn't be to blame for what whites do. I have had that "typical American" stereotyped told to me by british people online and by a German foreign exchanged student years ago in French class (all because of an old/former view I used to have about learning a second language).

What would a movie be like if it treated every person of color the same as whites? What would it be like if a black person could be white collar, clean cut and all American too? It seems like people prefer movies that confirm their stereotypes, maybe because it makes themselves feel better for not being in that position, or maybe because those are the kind of movies that sell because people want the characters to be inferior to the viewer rather than superior.

But then again, in some movies such as Precious, we also like to see that "overcoming rough times" theme.

But the problem lies in the fact that there are too many movies like that and not enough of showing blacks doing equally the same type of white movies where they are just normal people doing funny things. That is one thing I love about College Road Trip. At least Disney somewhat gets it (although thats not saying much in the end though).

So are racial stereotypes needed? No. But other stereotypes? Maybe.

The dangers of "its just a film"

In my previous post I spoke of Avatar,

I was reading typical racist white comments where they said blacks are racist, while the white person themselves were being racist.

Some of the white junk comments were "its just a movie"...

Political movies are hardly ever "just a movie", while one can look too much into a movie and start seeing things that either were not the original intent of the director or were just biproducts of the actual themes, one should still look and discuss the message(s) of the movie.

Cameron clearly stated his movie was alluding to race and culture, along with other political issues.

When you pass off critcisms too lightly, you run the risk of repeating Birth of a Nation, which is the driving force as the example of what happens when people look at it as "just a movie".

The Birth of a Nation, makes heroes of the KKK...this movie would later help cause the KKK to be revived again, as the KKK we know it til the end of the 1980s (the KKK is in its 3rd incarnation as a more political party like group now, though still cross burning).

When we don't question the movie, people become dumb enough and passive enough to emulate the racist themes of the film.

Ethically bad movies have more power of people than ethically good movies.

So far whites have shown their passive racism is heightening (and frightening! with their increasing Jim Crow style racism returning to America again) with their responses by insulting the minority groups who criticize the movie. At least minorities don't criticize movies as much as Christians do.

But when you look at a movie and say "its just a movie", you dismiss potential arguments and run the risk of being easily manipulated by the racism you claim is "nonexistent" by becoming the full on racist that is causing the problems to the minorities in the first place.

In fact, now that I think about it, no movie is ever truly "just a movie"....not even non-political movies.

I mean, think about movies with alot of sex, the more we see movies about sex, the less controversy comes with it because its becoming more and more socially acceptable, something that is reflected by society...people see it, act it out, and after a little while, its no longer a big deal.

Just look at some old movies from the 30s, it could stir a controversy if they had someone young french kissing (or for that matter anyone). Nowdays people would laugh over the fact that people would make such a fuss over those kind of things.

I guess what I am saying is, do not underestimate the power of movies, ethically bad movies are notorious for having a stronghold on society, and it takes generations to fix the problem.


I haven't seen the movie, and have absolutely no intention of ever seeing it, at least not willingly. I am a Titanic fan and always will be.

But I was reading about issues people had with Avatar.

Some of the issues had to do with religion, race, and politics.

Christians claim the movie is anti-Christian (shocker!), conservatives claim the movie is anti-American, and some claim that this movie is playing out the "white savior" theme.

Even though I haven't seen the movie, I can't help but wonder if people are looking a little too into this movie.

When it comes to the racial issue, some of the criticisms is that whites played humans, and blacks and Native Americans played the Navi. The underlying theme is supposed to be the "other" world from the point of view of someone in the majority. Critics say this leads to the whole notion of the white savior (you know movies like Freedom Writers and Dangerous Minds), where a race can only be saved by a white person. That they need the white person.

But if you think about it realistically, whites control America and always have. In all the trials minority races have suffered through, it was partly due to some whites standing up for them, did they finally get heard. In otherwords, the majority never listens to the minority until someone in the majority turns around and says "enough" to those in power.

As for the political issues, Cameron is a liberal...of course Republicans are going to find issue with the movie...maybe the problem with the Republicans is that their brand of patriotism eliminates realistic criticism and looking at the country from a real stand point and not a "I am so goddamn patriotic that i won't fix america's problems cause that is too unamerican to get off my lazy ass and fix the problems!".

Cameron claims the film is supposed to be about respecting each other's differences, but says that things such as the "noble savage", is part of the reason the film is so successful (yes Americans do seem to have a love for movies where whites are the heroes who "save" an entire race).

I have seen enough of these types of movies not to really care to see it, as I know how it goes (that and the fact that I refuse to betray Titanic).

As for the Christian critics...I can't put much weight into what they have to say these days as they seem to get upset about anything that doesn't praise Christianity as number 1. The same with the political issues in the movie that are being criticized.

Ithink that the critics have looked a little too much into this movie more than the average viewer would.

I also think the movie is lame and cheesy enough that it shouldn't even have made it past the millions.

But, there is a possibility the movie is racist in the end though because I am reminded of something, whites tend to flock to racist movies and set those movies as the standard examples being Birth of a Nation and Gone with the Wind. So with the success of Avatar, this could mean that it is racist, since lots of whites came out to watch it and tend to only do this kind of thing when the movie has racist themes. Who knows...I certainly wouldn't put it past whites thats for sure.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Why should I support gay rights, when black rights are not supported?

Racism against blacks is socially acceptable...and I am getting sick of it. This is why I don't care about the gays and their rights...let someone else suffer for once. What they are doing isn't right anyways!

Whites are hypocrites

They are perfectly okay with racism against blacks, but love to cry racism when its poor old whitey in trouble...

I hate whites.

Why its best NOT to be friends with someone who will remain friends with a racist

Have you ever been around that person that has a friend who has racist views? Would you remain friends with them?

Its easy for the white person to remain friends with a racist, or a friend of a racist because they are unaffected by it.

But what if you are a minority? Its not so easy then. Its about as problematic as liking a movie knowing full well the actors in it would be or are, racist against your very being.

Being friends with someone who chooses to be friends with a racist can do you harm. Why?

  • These people may turn on you since they obviously do not care nor respect you
  • When you endure a racist act, they will more than likely not be at your side. Worse, if their friend is the one doing the racist act they will more than likely excuse the behavior and try to justify it.
  • You can't trust them to have your back as its hard to know where their allegience falls.
  • Most importantly, they may share some of these beliefs otherwise why would they tolerate being friends with someone who is hateful?

You can't choose your family but you can choose your friends. Anyone that is friends with a racist is showing they have no respect for you and are showing they share at least some of the views of the racist.

Some would argue back saying they may not share the view but they can't just tell them off. Well my response is that you have to choose, you can't have it both ways. A racist person is not a good person at all. Being friends with one shows your lack of respect for others. A person's friends says alot about them.

Some will give you the excuse "its their opinion" as their way of excusing and justifying such things, something be of someone's opinion is not enough of a reason to keep someone as friends.

Would you be friends with someone who believed killing was okay?

Someone's acceptance to having racist friends says alot about the person. Ask yourself, if this person is not condemning or walking away from the hatred, but instead ignore it, can you depend on them to be there for you when a racist (especially their racist friend) attacks you? They have shown you that they have an allegience to the racist first.

As a minority, you can't afford friendship with racists and the friends of racists. A white person may be able to afford a friendship with a racist, but as a black person you can't afford such a thing.

Why the "get over it" argument is wrong

Whites are notorious for responding to an act of racism committed by a white person by saying "get over it".

The reason this is wrong is because not only does it excuse the racist act but it also is bascially saying "I don't want to deal with racism, you need to accept the racism directed at you and learn to love it, cause its not my problem and I don't want it to be".

We blacks can't just "get over it", not when racism has been such a major part of our lives. You may want us to accept the grim reality, but we don't. Its easy to dismiss what doesn't affect you.

By saying we should "get over it", you are saying we should be content with not getting hired becuase of our skin tone, for being singled out because of our skin tone.

Would you want someone to do the same to you?

Only an ignorant racist would say "get over it", instead of telling blacks to learn to be happy with racism, why not just admit that you don't care one bit about racism directed at someone not of your race. Stop copping out with the "get over it" line.

The differences between racism and ignorance

A few weeks back John "the douchebag" Mayer made some comments. He compared his "dick" to David Duke, and he disgustingly pervetedly talked about how one black actress was hot. He also was talking about how he could never truly have a "nigger" pass because he was white.

Basically he was blasted for being a little to blunt, to the point of insulting and degrading. This is probably expected since he has been labeled as having douchebag status in the last year.

From the moment Mayer came on the scene, I didn't like him. He is ugly and his music sucks. I felt there was something not right about him at all. And now I know I was right.

But were his comments racist or just flat out ignorant? I would say they were stupid and ignorant more than they were racist.

What is the difference some would ask. Well its ignorant when the person fails to understand the reason behind why something being said or done is wrong.

Its like when some fail to understand why there is a black history month.

A racist knows what they are thinking is wrong and unacceptable, but they continue to believe it. Someone ignorant chooses not to know what they are thinking is wrong and chooses not to be educated on it...and once you deny to be educated about it, its only a few more steps before you become a bonafide racist.

Look at the Miley Cyrus incident....racist would have been making fun of how Asians speak. But ignorance is making fun Asian eyes in what is supposed to be good jest.

The ignorance behind it is that she doesn't understand the internal issues some asians have had with having slanted eyes, nor does she understand the treatment they have had in America for looking different.

Is Miley racist? Probably not, at least not conciously. But she is ignorant.

Likewise with Mayer. He probably isn't racist against blacks, he is just flat out ignorant (in more ways than possible besides race). I think the worst thing in his comment that probably rubbed people the wrong way would be his comparing his "dick" to a known racist, I mean thats just gross and creepy.

Bringing blacks into an argument about race

The Miley Cyrus incident where she and her white friends imitated her token Asian friend, sprung up the issue of it being racist.

Many of the comments said it wasn't racist, and would often bring in blacks as if blacks had something to do with it. Some Asians did say it would race and would also bring in blacks sayin that if they were imitating blacks Miley would be in trouble.

There is a problem with this theory:

1. It is taking away from the discussion at hand, blacks are not anywhere involved in this issue
2. Things like this have happened to blacks before and many whites have sat their and decided to say a racist issue was not racist, so that argument the Asians had is invalid.

The picture could be racist and may not be. It really depends, if you are not Asian you will quickly dismiss it, but if you are Asian you may question it more than likely.

The deciding factors to really decide if it was racist would be as followed:

1. How did the basis of doing this come about? What made them want to do it in the first place?
2. How is the relations in the group usually?

Although Miley refused to apologize for it, she would have been better off at least admitting it was in poor taste. For all we know there is an inside joke as the basis of this picture, and we all know that its hard to understand something that may clearly look racist to us because we are not a part of that inside joke to understand the real nature of it.

But in the end, people need to leave blacks out of it. Stop scapegoating blacks even in an issue that doesn't even pertain blacks. Not to mention when you try to use blacks as your argument for the racism and intolerance, it is being unfair by acting like people would equally say that it was racist of someone to do such and such as the Mizzou incident and the Gates issue both prove how whites will clearly deny blatant racism against blacks.

Stay on the subject at hand, if you can't do that then maybe you actually have no argument.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Charlton Heston-Bad Guy

I am glad he is dead.

This guy was once upon a time a good guy, at least when he was still Democrat. He had supported the end of racism, only to change 20 years later and go Republican and support racism.

He claimed the party changed, but really he did...he is the one that decided to support racism and things such as white pride, he is the one that decided to support gun crazy.

He is insensitive loser cog. Good riddence to bad trash, I hope he is enjoying his stay in hell.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

I wish i was dead

i am sick of racism.

i want to die so i can escape this hell...

satan's greatest invention was racism, and it worked well.

St. Louis, MO=Racist Mecca for whites

So over in Columbia some racists put cotton balls in front of the Black culture building during Black history month.

How do whites in St. Louis respond?

"they shouldn't be suspended or expelled or punished other than for littering".

These morons couldn't possible figure out the racism in it.

Instead these racists turned around and called blacks racist for having their own history month and culture building!!!

It looks like whites seriously need to open up a history book.

I am ashamed to be a Missourian, its nothing more than a bunch of under-educated redneck racists who can't spell or talk correctly. They blame blacks for all their goddamn troubles.

And people wonder why I would never support republican?

I hope Missouri gets destroyed so all these worthless racists will die and be on their way to hell where they belong with their god, Satan.

Jim Crow racism is getting bigger and bigger. I am so sick and tired of these fucking racists. This is why I do not want whites to be a part of my life anymore than they have to be...they just fucking can't be trusted.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Abagond blog update

Even more trolls have entered...

A very liberal policy is going to be the death of that blog eventually.

Could this in itself represent society? Could too much liberalism kill America?

Even I, a moderate to liberal, feel that liberals can be too liberal.

"Its not just [insert]" excuse

When you are addressing a problem directly at a specific group it is typical of people to get onto the defense and say "well its not just so and so, anyone can do it" excuse.

Whether its talking about whites being the most racist, blacks and the issue of lack of fathers, and high crime, or old people and driving.

This type of derailment seeks to avoiding getting to the heart of the problem by acting as if everyone is equally guilty of doing it.

Sure every group is guilty of it...but not to the same extent. Whites have always been more racist and socially accepting of being racist towards blacks. Black men tend to walk out on being a dad more, and old people do pose a great risk at driving at old age.

Colorblind society fails us because we refuse to address the specific problems. Even if you accepted the shotted theory of everyone is equally guilty of doing it, the problem still doesn't get solved...why? Because by then you have lost all energy to press the issue. The people who give you the "everyone is guilty" theory never had the intentions of solving the issue.

Of course naturally how one phrases the problem will make a difference. A white person just can't go in and say "all blacks are violent" or "all black men are bad dads". Yet if one came in and said "statisically, black men tend to be sentenced to jail more" may evoke less angry responses, especially if the person stating this is aware of biases in the court and prison system.

Most of all when it comes from your own, its easier to deal feels like its less of an attack and more like advice.

The one thing Anti-PC people have ever actually gotten right in their pointless diatribes is that being politically correct has caused everyone to stop talking about the problems and solving them. We are so busy having to try to get around stepping on peoples feet that we are too tired to even bother solving the issue.

Now this doesn't give you the right to be a jackass over the problem...if you want to fix the problem you have to show compassion and understanding of the reasons its a problem in the first have to show you are a friend, not an enemy. You have to put in a lot of work yourself.

But the problem will never go away if we keep it too general....obviously one group is worse off with it than others, and that is where the solution is mostly needed.

But as long as people keep being hateful about the percieved problems (such as how whites act towards blacks and crime), then people will be able to find reasons not to solve it.

Better yet, why don't those who complain so much about crime being such a problem, be the first to volunteer to fix it? Lead by example.